I remember in the 80's everyone talking about apostate literature and very stern warnings to not read it. I didn't know what they were talking about. In retrospect I realize they must have been talking about CoC. The only information I stumbled upon was Silent Lambs while trying to prove to myself that the organization was not protecting pedophiles. I made my decision to leave and did not do any research online for another 3 months. I think finding out the truth about the truth and finding like minded folks on here has reassured me and made my resolve stronger, but I got out all on my own.
When Did You First Get Exposed To "Apostate" Info? How Did It Affect You?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
My first read was CofC - reading it changed my life. Just about all the things that made me miserable as a JW were explained once I realized that the Society is not God's earthly organization and that it was not God I was serving all those years, but rather a group of men who could really care less about me, especially when I started having difficulties that slowed my "service" down.
Honestly for me it was Silentlambs...
I was reading some news articles on pedophile in religion and it mentioned the witnesses. I googled it! Wow!
I went into the Silentlambs website and read his story (looking over my shoulder of course, I knew i was sinning!), and was transfixed by everything that was said. I googled some more, i literally couldn't get enough of it. It got to the point where it didnt bother me as much and then i really started my research.
Finally read CoC, and that was the nail in the coffin for me...the rest is history!
15 to 20 years ago when I used to take my wife and daughter to the library, I would browse the religion section and look for anything about JW's to see what was being said. At that time, I had some doubts and was many times unhappy with the hypocrisy and lack of love at the KH.
A month after my wife died in 1996, I bought my first computer and after finding soooooooo much about JW's, I really got pissed. Then I ordered COC and In Search of Christian Freedom. I stumbled on to JWD about 2003 or 2004. The rest is history and now I'm free and happy.
I did the fade as a teenager in the mid-70s (right after I got my driver's license in 1976, something that was never supposed to happen because the Big A would be here first). My belief had been slowly torn down by the lead-up to '75, then crushed by the message that the WT had never said what I had personally heard them say.
Around that time, I read an excerpt of Harrison's book in Ms. Magazine, then 30 Years a Watchtower Slave...and pretty much just walked away. Over the years, I'd pay attention whenever somethng about the JWs made the mainstream news (the TIME article on Ray Franz), but I never picked up the book. Then, I went back to grad school, and while researching something else, stumbled across Penton's book, APOCALYPSE DELAYED (this was in 1995, I think). After reading that, I did a quick search of the 'Net, found H2O, and finally ended up here.
Mind you, this entire time--more than 30 years--my family has been hoping I'd "straighten up" and come back. Argh.
Sour Grapes
I learned the truth about the truth from a Bethel elder who caught
caught up in the mess when Franz was getting booted out.
I for some reason I was not disappointed or upset , it just added to my
existing doubts.
Sour Grapes
Ironically I was researching information on the Internet to validate the Watchtower teaching about the United Nations turning on "false religion". I was finding some exciting information about certain UN "think-tanks" that suggested that religion prohibited peace. During the course of this "independent" research I stumbled on the truth about the Watchtower's own relationship with the UN DPI. Normally I avoided anything critical of the Witnesses, but having found this on the UN's own website allowed me to go ahead and read it.
Having been raised as a JW and fully convinced that it was the truth I was devastated with what I learned. I fell into a pretty deep depression. Soon after that I allowed myself to begin looking at all "apostate" material on the Internet. I wanted to know what else was hidden from me. So there was a period where I was looking at a lot of this but still shied away from reading Franz' books. It was until after I was DF'd for apostasy that I finally got around to reading them, of course by then I had already reached many of the same conclusions and understandings so they weren't exactly ground breaking.
On line. 1999. The first thing I did was look up the official WTBTS website. I got a search results page with a link to a site that told the stories Of Ray Franz and some others. I began to seriously investigate internet sites in summer of 2001. Ordered Crisis of Conscience and read it.
I had been inactive since Feb 1990. I had too many doubts accumulate over the years. I always knew if someone handed me apostate literature that I would have to read it. And I did.
A family member gave me a JW book to try to "get me back strong into the Truth." I shared the book with a friend of mine who knew the topic. She kept saying, "That quote ain't right....that's twisted...etc." So, I looked up the quotes.
Definately, the Internet. www.jwfiles.com and www.ajwrb.org were the two big ones. Then, I found freeminds and here. Poof the magic disappeared.
This site JWD since 2004. The knowledgeable frinds here have made me a proud
APOSTATE, in fact I told the last group of witnessess when they came too my
door, I am a APOSTATE, and I am proud of being one. Iam sure my name will
go down in the dreadful list, do not call list the witnessess keep. The two ladies
were speechless when I told them.. My wife ask me how can you stop them
from coming to our door, this will certainly put a end to it..