The 'sister' who covered her head was doing the pre-lunch prayer at our dining table at the assembly (it was a large room with individual tables, each seating about six people as I recall). I was a teenager at the time.
sistas work at bethel and quckbuilds yet cant carry mics or do lit. counter??
by oompa 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Midwich, so she felt it was necessary to do a group prayer, although it was not an official meeting and a private prayer would have sufficed. I never understood dishonoring God by using a napkin. We always had a nice scarf in our purse/service bag.
That's correct Blondie, she was 'asking a blessing' (pre meal), and used a paper napkin from table.
Most "sisters" what I have seen in and out of this religion, are acutually "sistas' that run the show. Their husbands listen to their opinion, they are up on the gossip, they are the ones normally in the field, in the cars for service....daily, reporting on young elders not holding thier own Who are just sitting back in luxury cars getting driven by the old lady owners.
Their wives have had to go to work supporting these lazy free loaders,"in the full time work" so they can be in the full time service.
My take...
Blame it on that Jellyfish, Charles Taze Russell.....
The slamming of sisterhood was all a ruse to cover for his 'wandering hands' over Sister Rose after he and Sister Maria had vowed to remain virginal....... her divorce accusations needed to be answered and in true WTS fashion mis-direction was applied.
It wasn't a woman scorned by marital inappropriatness with another .....NO it was Maria wanting to 'take over'!!!!!
C. T. Russell
She was like a daughter to me!