What really matters to the elders- Podcast 9 Judicial Hearing

by Hobo Ken 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • besty
    Being disfellowshipped would make no difference to me as I have no family contact anyway

    I thought you were in touch with your Mum on a fairly ongoing and civil basis?

    Could be wrong....

    Anyways nice to see you on here - you don't post enough :-)

  • iknowall558

    Jamiebowers -- ! Somewhere down the line I have a feeling that your recording and others like them, will be part of a court case against this cult...Maybe not in the US, but in Europe.

    Fingers crossed.

  • scotsman

    Thanks for the reply IKA. I understand the desire to maintain contact although even though JWs are a high control group I personally still see my family as having chosen to subject themselves to it and I wasn't prepared to play the game for contact, it was too high a price. Responding to the elders who initially tried to contact me would have dignified them when they were nothing to me. That's great his parents remain in touch, siblings are often judgemental, mine are.

    I thought you were in touch with your Mum on a fairly ongoing and civil basis

    See my mum increasingly sporadically and something tells me it's about to become rare as we no longer have a business connection. Seeing me is probably distressing for her, it's not exactly fulfilling for me. I post too much, I should have other priorities!!

  • besty

    Agreed with everything you said here Scotsman

    I personally still see my family as having chosen to subject themselves to it and I wasn't prepared to play the game for contact, it was too high a price. Responding to the elders who initially tried to contact me would have dignified them when they were nothing to me. That's great his parents remain in touch, siblings are often judgemental, mine are.

    and pretty similar to my own feelings

    I tried to avoid DF out of misplaced loyalty to family that had decided to shun me anyway. On one call to my Mum when I asked her was she going to shun me too she replied - quote - "I will know what to do when your congregation make an announcement". So my own Mother was going to let anonymous men 400 miles away she had never met decide whether she was allowed to speak to me or not. Can you hear c-u-l-t?

    This was my first clue that my brother - High Priest of Jugmentalism aka CoBOE - was instigating judicial action against me from 400 miles away. Having decided to shun me, he had to be proven right and make sure I was DF'd as well. He was their prime witness against me, his wife the second witness.

    As and when (big if) he wakes up I will break his nose and then we can be friends again :-)

  • passwordprotected

    David is an architectural technician.

  • iknowall558
  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken


  • passwordprotected

    As and when (big if) he wakes up I will break his nose and then we can be friends again :-)

    Doesn't your bro have a higher IQ than you? ;-P

  • AnnOMaly

    Thanks for putting this up, Hobo Ken. Very enlightening. Hubby and I were amazed at how you kept your cool, how you gave the minimum of information and kept them on topic, how the elders didn't engage with your defense but kept stonewalling and fishing for anything they could use on you, and how they refused any cross examination of the witnesses to establish the truth of the matter!!! I got really quite irritated toward the end on the kack-handedness of the proceedings. Give me a 'worldly' court of law any day.

  • Hobo Ken
    Hobo Ken


    I was very annoyed by the fact they would not allow the witnesses to answer some of my questions which were entirely relevant to the testimony.

    It just goes to show that they were only interested in the task in hand , namely me being DF'd and me asking them anything was only a minor detour along the way.

    I knew that I was going to be disfellowshipped in any case whether I attended or not so I thought I may as well go along for the experience and record it for the purpose of exposing their two bit lies and shambolic performances.

    The fact I can use this against them and help others made it well worth attending.


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