This side of Armageddon, with National Healthcare coming, you can bet that we won't be encouraged to smoke!!
by elder-schmelder 36 Replies latest jw friends
White Dove
I smoke about once a month for the flavor. It's sort of like desert.
The Berean
All smokers will quit and gain about 10 pounds or so a year by using food to pacify their still-addictive tendancies ... by the end of a thousand years they will have likely filled the earth .,.
If you want to quit, you will. If you don't want to quit, you won't. No such thing as "struggling with quitting."
And you are full of shit.
John Doe
And you are full of shit.
How so?
I've tried to quit a few times. It was a struggle, of course it never lasted that long because I usually said "To hell with this!" and bought a pack.
I shoulda never started, stupidest thing I ever did (and that is saying ALOT)
I shoulda never started, stupidest thing I ever did (and that is saying ALOT)
Amen! It is the only thing I should have listened to my parents about. But when I started smoking it was considered a habit not an addiction. I think I was addicted from the first puff. I've experiemented quite a bit with "other substances" and never got hooked on anything but nicotin.
John Doe
of course it never lasted that long because I usually said "To hell with this!" and bought a pack.
Because you really don't want to quit. No?
Because you really don't want to quit. No?
You are so full of shit, I wonder how you ever leave the bathroom.
John Doe
You are so full of shit, I wonder how you ever leave the bathroom.
I think you're just touchy because I hit a bit too close to home.
The simple truth, and it is the truth, is that if you want to quit, you will. The reason you say you struggle is because you want to smoke, but don't want to take responsibility for that decision.