Fun Topic...What is your decorating style for your home? Fav colors?

by restrangled 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled

    What are your favorite colors, how is your home decorated, what is your style? Post a picture if you can.....if not just describe your favorite room!!!!!


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I'm a weirdo because I don't decorate at all. I leave that up to my daughter. If I did decorate, there'd be mirrors all over the place to make it seem bigger. Oh yeah, and I'd decorate more gothy.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I prefer see through things like glass table, clear glass dishes plates bowls cups, clear placemats.

  • Quandry

    I have a navy leather sectional sofa. It is kinda hard to decorate around it. I like metal with glass. I have an eclectic taste. I go for things I like and put them together.

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Eclectic Pawn

  • Casper

    I love the log cabin look.

    Since we can't afford one, I've done my living room to look as close as I can to get the feel of it. The walls are done in a knotty pine paneling. We also have 3/4 in. red oak wooden floors all thru out the house, which adds to the feel. I use Fall colors to accent things and have lots of country items sitting and hanging aroud.

    We stayed in a "Beautiful" 3 - story cabin in the mountains of Tenn. a couple years ago. Took lots of pics and came home and tried to duplicate.

    Not perfect, but suits us well..


  • Satanus

    Art deco. I like warm colors.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Livingroom is garden, nature, woods in greens and warm burgandys and wine, but mostly the woodsy greens. I have some unique birdhouses and plant mysters in different insect and frog shapes in colored glass. Paintings like children looking for fireflies, ladies in gardens. I used to have The Lady of Shalott painting, but it got crushed when Andy wrecked his car.

    My bedroom is roses and woods with green, beige and warm deeper reds. My furniture is antique black and gold provincial with fruit instead of flowers. I inherited it and it took something different to go with it. Nothing bright. All simmering, deep, lush colors.

    Julian's room is a hodgpodge that he did on his own. His bathroom is warm greens, grape/muted and blues and plaid. My bathroom is soft white shells. Not my first choice, but it was affordable.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Restrangled, I want to see pictures of your home. You described it recently and it sounds great.

  • FlyingHighNow

    My outdoor room. Julian picked out the red chairs. I thought they'd be too "loud", but they ended up looking nice. They go well with the fuschia plant and Sol and Luna. We have three families of Canada Geese that return each year. It's a gift to watch the goslings as they grow and to see how the goose and gander proudly watch over them: just majestic. If we are here next spring, we will chronicle the growing families on film.

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