I did prove it for myself, and continue to prove it for myself. It is a subjective proof. It requires trust.
Who are the "other sheep"?
by cameo-d 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
(previously posted on the wrong thread)
The mag states "144,000 Brothers and "other sheep"."
Forget what Jesus said about the 'other sheep'. This has nothing to do with Jesus!
This is more WT class distinction; more separatism. "Us" and "them". The 144K is capitalized B..Brothers. The "other sheep" is of no consequence; dust under their feet. It is a separation of leaders and followers; commanders and slaves.
You have been led to assume you know what it is and that it is a direction from Jesus. But don't you already realize that Jesus has nothing to to with the WT and it's doctrine and policies?
They are telling you right to your face what their operatives are and the intent is clear.
There will be an obedient, non-thinking, boot-licking, class of slaves. This is what the witnesses have been in training for. And if you don't fit the mold you will not be allowed to live in their paradise.
Every commentary I have read, shows that they all interpret the "other sheep" as the Gentiles.
All logic, even a small ounce of logic...shows the other sheep are the Gentiles. COmpare it to Paul's similar description in Ephesians (which present the same elements of Jesus illustartion with different players) and it is clealry the gentiles. This should not even be a question or issue.
Doug Mason
isaacaustin, I agree with you that Jesus is speaking of the Gentiles as against the Jewish flock. For God, there is neither Jew nor Greek, male or female, for all are one in his sight.
I assume this is uncomfortable for the WTS organisation, since it would mean that Jesus has a flock that is outside of them (despite the call "come out of Babylon, MY people".
The WTS misuses Jesus' clear intent so that it can remove any power or influence from the vast majority.
Doug Mason
In common with other WT apologists, your evasiveness and your inability to address key issues thunders a great message to lurkers at this site.
I wonder if, when you go door-to-door, you give the same non-message to the householders. Do you join their church organisation when they give you the same non-answers that you have been providing to me?
Spike Tassel
I am not commissioned to go door-to-door at this time. If I will be, as I once was, I would be gearing those I speak with to a Bible study using the WTS material, and letting the discussion of the material show its own answers. With face-to-face contact, it is much more straightforward to get at the real issues to be faced. Online, people can make up any persona they want to, face-to-face less so.
Doug Mason
As I read Scripture, JESUS HAS commissioned you, and nowhere has he indicated that he has removed his instruction. No person has the right to over ride Jesus.
So, go forth, Spike! There is no need for you (or anyone else) to take WTS books or magazines when speaking to someone about Jesus Christ. The Gospel is simple: believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you have been saved. How simple is that!
Wouldn't it be marvellous if the WTS gave an instruction that JWs had to do their witnessing work for the next 12 months without using any of their magazines or books. This would show that they are more than a pyramid book-publishing body using free labour.
Spike Tassel
The instruction at Matthew 28:19 includes the words "in the name of … the holy spirit". I have what holiness of spirit I have because of the instructive guidance provided by the WTS, including the NWT Reference Bible. I will NOT be deterred by ridiculers, whomever they might be.