Atheists choose 'de-baptism' to renounce childhood faith

by whereami 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • MissingLink

    >> And don't group me with people who blow up abortion clinics or fly planes into buildings.

    Did --I-- do that? I don't have a clue what you believe or what groups you choose to associate yourself with.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    We provide our clues, here on JWN, whether we are atheists or otherwise, whether we're de-baptized/ unbaptized/ re-baptized, whether we renounce or reaffirm, whatever our faith or lack thereof, I suggest

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    """ most atheists don't even give a rats ass about those matters, and don't have any unified "practices """. Who mentioned "unified" practises??? At the moment it appears that de-baptism is a practise of "some" atheists. Religions do not have "unified" practices. """ It seems to me you want to group all non-believers together in one group to make it convenient to hate them """. A truly laughable comment!!! The classic "grouping people into one group" is from the atheist community - all religion is a hateful evil that tarnishes the world.

  • scotsman
    The longer I spend on JWN surrounded by such a great cloud of atheists

    lol PP, fruity language! Agree that the notion on de-baptism is hilarious but the idea that atheists are an organised group is pretty far from the truth. The atheists I know don't share values, just the disbelief in God, and none of them are bothered about proselytising. Most of them do love a good debate though, and aren't threatened when you disagree with them.

    Funny how perspectives differ; I'm continually amazed at how dominated the board is by people with faith, normally spoiling for a fight.

  • MissingLink

    >> Who mentioned "unified" practises???

    PP did. His definition of religion, which he said made "atheism" a religion included this : "... a body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices"

    I agree there are very generic groupings of "believers" and "non-believers". But at this high level they have very little in common within those groups. "believers" is not a "religion", and neither is "atheism" (non-belief). I'm sure we'd agree that SOME religions are evil (radical islam). And we'd probably agree on SOME that are not (Buddhism?). Likewise SOME athiests may be evil, and some are good. But that's personal opinion. I don't speak for, or take instructions from any group.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    accept for your peers, I suggest.

    Satan achieves unity by diversity against Jehovah.

  • passwordprotected

    PP did. His definition of religion, which he said made "atheism" a religion included this : "... a body of persons adhering to aparticular set of beliefs and practices"

    Hi there, I was quoting The Scotsman. I'm pretty sure he got the definition from a dictionary.

  • Caedes

    We are talking about positive action to distance yourself from a religion foisted upon you when you were too young to make a rational choice. I wouldn't want some church counting me as a member just because my parents chose to have some religious ceremony performed on me without my consent.

    If the JWs were still counting all of the people on this website as members there would be outrage; as it is this action (by a small group of people who happen to be atheists) should surely have some resonance on a website for people who have been involved in a cult.

    Or is it that some of the more vocal theists on this site are lacking in empathy?

  • passwordprotected

    If you don't believe in God, and by extension believe religion to be a powerless shell of a sham, surely that would be the end of the matter. Excuse us theists for pointing out the silly superstitious nature of atheists being de-baptised.

    It's a bit like an adult sending a letter to Santa telling him he doesn't believe in him anymore.

    If you're worried about a church having you on the membership list, just write a letter asking to be removed.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    some believe that a "publicity stunt" has more effect

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