Satan- Perfect Scapegoat for Witnesses Ignoring Real Causes of Situations

by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • betterdaze

    i mean what does a demon get out of morphing with a bowling ball in the closet?

    LOL @ oompa! So true, when you put in perspective now.

  • WTWizard

    That is how they get out of correcting the problems. People are poor and miserable because Satan is making them that way, not because they are selling out and engaging in a stagnating work. Satan is influencing the media to report bad things about the witlesses, rather than the witlesses giving the media such bad things to report with their own actions. Satan has infested us apostates, rather than we turned apostate because of discrepancies between their teachings and reality or because of the wretched way we were treated while still witlesses (by the congregation, not just by the world).

    What they don't realize is that Satan is not to blame. Reading Genesis chapter 3 in its entirity, I realize that Satan was merely trying to save mankind from God's tyranny--mankind was opened to do his own thinking after obeying Satan, at which point they could have created their own paradise without God (only after God interfered did things go bad for mankind--God, not Satan, is to blame for that). And the demons only wanted to experience things that were not prepared (jealousy, not envy, was what drove them to see what it was like to engage in human activities). Nothing wrong in that--until God debased them and "Just wait until we get home'd them).

    Satan's wanting man to do his own thinking and take responsibility for his own future, and the demons wanting to enjoy life, are not threatening to me in any way. These angels would never deliberately cause all this trouble. Remember, who was it that punished man for trying to go independent of God? God, that's who--man would have figured it out. Who was it that disrupted Nimrod? God--Nimrod would have had a fine, God-free civilization where free expression (and eventually a Godless paradise) would have prevailed. And this same Satan is going to try to persecute people?

    I don't think so.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Oh don't get me started. I was talking to an active JW buddy of mine and everything bad is from the devil. Everything. His sister in law, his son's bad behavior, his hemaroids, and the list goes on. It just gags me

  • verystupid77

    I had the CO visit me two weeks ago and I told him I was so much happier now that I have not been at the meetings in the last 5 months. He shot right back to me and who do you think is causing you to feel happy. I said the fact that I am not seeing child rapists hold and touch children anymore seems to me to be the reason. (OK so I was not bold enough to say child rapists but I said pedophiles).

    The CO said NO that is not the reason. I was like really seems to me to be the reason, he said NO, who do you really feel is making you feel better not being at the meetings. I said I do not know then but not having the stress of being in such a negative place really does seems to me to be the reason I feel happy. He said NO that is not the reason. Oh my God. What am I five five years old. I was like well then you have got me on this one then because I am pretty sure it is because I feel at peace finally not being around pedophiles. He said NO thats not the reason, lets read a Scripture and you guessed it the Scripture said it was Satan. He had me read the Scripture and even then I still would not say the word Satan and he was so frustrated. I just keep telling him it was not being around pedophiles that made me happy and I was sure that was the reason. I know he just wanted to smack me because I would not give him what he wanted.

    It is just all so stupid. Do they even hear themselves. Oh my God it is just Satan, Satan, Satan. How about instead of blaming Satan they just keep child rapists from children, that might help.

  • verystupid77
  • palmtree67

    Not being around pedophiles makes me happy, too, verystupid!!

    One time, there was a carload of witnesses out in service and they were in a car accident. All week long at the service arrangements, the brothers prayed that Satan wouldn't do that again to anyone.


  • AllTimeJeff


    I couldn't help but notice how the CO didn't want to give you the right you have to your own observations and conclusions. His whole goal while talking to you was to get you to discard your own thoughts and replace them with JW approved nonsense about Satan.

    And besides that, (as you well know) who the hell is any human to say why a person is or isn't happy. In rare instances, a wise confidant can help us see something we may be missing, but thats it. Deep down, with any introspection, we know whats going on in our own heads... Thus when I read this...

    The CO said NO that is not the reason. I was like really seems to me to be the reason, he said NO, who do you really feel is making you feel better not being at the meetings. I said I do not know then but not having the stress of being in such a negative place really does seems to me to be the reason I feel happy. He said NO that is not the reason. Oh my God. What am I five five years old. I was like well then you have got me on this one then because I am pretty sure it is because I feel at peace finally not being around pedophiles. He said NO thats not the reason, lets read a Scripture and you guessed it the Scripture said it was Satan. He had me read the Scripture and even then I still would not say the word Satan and he was so frustrated. I just keep telling him it was not being around pedophiles that made me happy and I was sure that was the reason. I know he just wanted to smack me because I would not give him what he wanted. (italics mine)

    Then you hit the nail on the head.

    What people don't realize when it comes to "winning" against the Governing Body and the bullshit like this that they put out is really simple: The minute that you/we take responsibility for our own thoughts and follow our conscience (the real one, not theirs...) then we have won.

    The JW's still in and trapped have either given up thinking for themselves, or with some trepidation, still allow the GB and their minions (the elders and CO's) to dictate their thoughts and conclusions to one degree or another.

    As a side point: It is clear that the CO was trying to get you to believe that Satan was using the pedophiles against you. What a dick! If thats true, why keep the child rapists around??? These guys are true D-bags....

  • verystupid77

    Thanks Alltime Jeff you made total sense.

  • SuspiciousMinds

    My mother in law is the ultimate example of this. Anything that could go wrong with any JW or JW family, she immediately claims that Satan is causing them trouble to make them stop serving Jehovah. If my wife and I miss a meeting she says "Satans wants you to miss the meeting". Or if we disagree with something she says "That's what Satan wants you to think".

    Wait until she finds out we are both inactive and haven't been to a meeting since our DC June 12-14. How do you reason with someone who insists on blaming an invisible person for everything, and putting blind trust in an organization? She has no proof of either, but her "faith" can not be shaken.

  • Atomahawk

    When I was in the JW’s I did notice that there was a big difference in mindset regarding satan. In the south everything bad came from satan, car accidents, death loss of jobs. In the north &*^% happens. I guess it comes from the basic background religions that most came from. If you were in a predominantly catholic area, and most converts came from there, satan didn’t factor in too much when bad things happened. If you were from the bible belt area he was everywhere. Obviously it was a personal choice to blame satan for everything bad or god for everything good.

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