Satan- Perfect Scapegoat for Witnesses Ignoring Real Causes of Situations

by flipper 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BETTER DAZE- I think we should set the 12 GB members up in place of pins at a local bowling alley- then roll the bowling ball and see what happens !

    WT WIZARD- Exactly. It is how they get out of correcting problems. It's easier for them to blame Satan for any defectors problems - than to really face WHAT causes people to leave. If they were honest with themselves they'd take resonsibility as leaders of a mind control cult .

    WHA HAPPENED ? - It is crazy. Witnesses blame everything on Satan ! Hemorrhoids ! That's hilarious !

    VERY SMART 77- It's really ironic that the C.O actually backhandedly paid Satan a compliment by saying HE is the one making you happy now ! LOL! Exactly, the reason you are SO HAPPY right now is because Satan's trying to trick you into being happy and satisfied - so you won't go back to depressing meetings where you are sad in the comfort of like sad , sourfaced members who hate their lives. What a strange circuit overseer .

    PALMTREE 67- So the elders blamed a car wreck on Satan ?? Now THAT is superstitious ! Next time I stub my toe I'll blame it on Satan.

    ALL-TIME JEFF- It is true that as soon as we show the elders we are thinking for ourselves- we win. All the witnesses for the most part DO NOT think for themselves - let the GB think for them. It's called mental laziness. ( And cult mind control. )

    SUSCPICIOUS MINDS- Sounds like your mother in law is very superstitious. Blaming Satan for every little thing going awry in her life. Very controlled.

    ATOMAHAWK- Very interesting take you have about people blaming Satan being a geographical thing sort of. I do think there is a lot of superstition about Satan in the Bible belt

  • flipper

    Wanted to bump this up for any who might want to comment

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I actually remember a CO making that same point in a talk once, about not blaming Satan for everything that goes wrong in our lives. He gave the experience of a sister whose car kept breaking down, so she had trouble making it to the meetings, and out in service. She always blamed Satan for trying to keep her from worshipping Jehovah, while ignoring the fact that the car she was driving was an old beater.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Yes because there was a battle in the heavens for that old beater of a service vehicle. But it did not prevail, and down to detroit the serpent was thrown. And he created SUV's. And the serpent threw the auto industry into turmoil, angry that his time is close.

  • startingovernow


    Not sure how you got your name, but this experience shows that you are far from being stupid. I would love to have been there to see the C.O.'s face. What you did is called being assertive - something JWs are not supposed to be. Submissive JWs are passive and those that think they know everything are aggressive. So way to go. I am confused as to why he would have said that, and would love to know what scripture he used. If you hadn't been to meetings for 5 mths and said you were depressed, I don't doubt he would have said Satan is behind your depression preventing you from going to meetings. Boy, wish someone would have told me while I was still in that I could actually be happier if I got out. I'm really surprised that it was not your happiness he questioned, and not the cause behind it...that would seem to make more sense.

  • flipper

    KEYSER SOZE- Amazing ! The sister thought Satan was making her have car trouble ? Now I've heard it all. Man these people are superstitious.

    WHA HAPPENED ? - I like your description of how Satan was hurled down to Detroit throwing the auto industry into turmoil. Hey, it's as believable as anything the witnesses said happened in 1914 !

    STARTINGOVERNOW- I think Very Smart did a great job in standing up for what she believed in. The elders act like depressed individuals are being attacked by Satan . It's an easy way for them to avoid acknowledging depression. Very smart is a friend of my wife and me and she is doing great in her moving on post JW

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Well I figure more doctrine changes are coming up so I thought I would throw in my 2 cents.

  • flipper

    WHA HAPPENED- Exactly ! LOL! The one constant about the witnesses is their doctrines will always constantly change ! They could paint a horse red and they'd call it mysterious new light ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    And the electric vehicle that was introduced, but the dragon devoured the car. Then the earth came to the aid of other electric & hybrid's and swallowed up the huge amount of debt the dragon had acquired with poor management skills and a pension to make crappy product.

  • flipper

    WHAT HAPPENED ? - Your prophetic interpretations get better and better ! You truly have dizzying prophetic abilities ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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