At our Assembly in Alabama, no one got baptized, even though we added 3 congregations to our side in the Circuit. Just looked at my wife and said wow.
Yet ironically, the Regular Pioneer ranks have increased 45% in the last 5 years!
by James Jack 20 Replies latest jw experiences
At our Assembly in Alabama, no one got baptized, even though we added 3 congregations to our side in the Circuit. Just looked at my wife and said wow.
Yet ironically, the Regular Pioneer ranks have increased 45% in the last 5 years!
James - Wow just Wow! I am very surprised they are not "pushing" some of the younger ones to get baptized!
This makes the C.O. look very ineffective! I hope this trend keeps on happening!
Thanks for the info!
It happened her in SoCal a few years back. It was one of the last assemblies I attended before leaving. I remember quite a few of the R&F had a really hard time processing this embarrassing fact.
Fortunately for them, cognitive dissonance kicked in and helped them keep their faith intact.
Welcome to the information age Watchtower Corporation !
With the advent of the inter-net available to the general public, its has become much more obvious that this religious publishing house has lied, bullshiited and mislead people to build itself up.
Annual world population growth is 70m+. Org's growth = 200-300k.
The Org's recruitment slogans cannot account for this vast statistical discrepancy!
In 1969 there was one baptism for every 1,983 hours of preaching. During the 1980s it had risen to 3,000 hours. From 1990 to 2011 the number of hours preaching required per baptism increased from 3000 to 6000, an increase of 100%.