I can't see how a God that obviously made a flaw in his creation for them to choose incorrectly when tested would allow that creation to continue in a flawed state with added "inperfection". Why not scrap the whole thing? If God is most high and almighty then he would have known that his creation would not stay true to him when tempted. And to allow life as humans to continue in a punished state where people have pain and suffering is absolutely unloving and unjust.
This is a question many people also have.
In order to get past it what I do is think about the alternatives and motives.
If God wanted to create people who would do exactly what he said all the time then he could have created robots.
Problem is that the robots would not be doing anything because they wanted to.
There would be no such thing as ........... want.
If God had created people like this then there would be no allowance for, kindness, mercy, or even love.
People (robots) would simply do things because the had to.
In this situation there would be NO LOVE.
So what God has actually done is made a creation which allows the opportunity for LOVE to actually exist.
He has created LOVE.
I think you need to ask yourself the question whether you would prefer to be a flawless robot or a creation capable of LOVE.
When I look at the accounts in Genesis I see the remarkable possibilities.
God could have created flawless robots.
or the alternative:
Created people with the ability to love if they so choose.
I think he made the right decision.