Atomahawk - OK Don't forget 25 million Jews and 5 million Bahai faith. That is ....... still like .55 ... Round up to 2/3?
The Bible
by desib77 55 Replies latest jw friends
Spike Tassel
so how did it go, desib77?
I cannot believe that I spent a lot of time responding to everyone and the computer crashed...........hmmpf.
Okay, I guess I will start over.
Spike: It went pretty well. She was pretty open to hearing my concerns and questions. She did not have any answers as expected and said that most of what I mentioned she had not ever thought of.
So you just accept that you don't have feelings either way? How do you do that? I feel like I need some sort of belief system and don't really have a direction that I "want" it to go.
Narkissos & Void:
I don't even know where to begin with that. How do you know that you have the most accurate translation? Keep in mind that I was a JW for a long time so I am very familiar with what the Bible contains. It seems like I am familiar enough to at least start pondering the question of whether it is God's word.
I've been thinking a little more about it. If I'm not convinced that the Bible is the word of God then why waste my time reading a fairy tale?
If I were going to start at the beginning and read about Adam and Eve I would already hit a road block. I can't see how a God that obviously made a flaw in his creation for them to choose incorrectly when tested would allow that creation to continue in a flawed state with added "inperfection". Why not scrap the whole thing? If God is most high and almighty then he would have known that his creation would not stay true to him when tempted. And to allow life as humans to continue in a punished state where people have pain and suffering is absolutely unloving and unjust.
Honestly, that is just the beginning of my doubts. I would have to truy believe in the accuracy and purpose of the Bible to even continue reading at that point.
Does this even make sense to anyone but me?
I don't think translation is such a big deal from where you (seem to) stand.
It's quite possible you know the Bible very well already. But having been a JW many years is no guarantee that you do. JWs are very good at quoting individual verses with full references but they often have no idea of what entire Bible books are about, let alone how they may differ in perspective from one another. After more than a decade as a JW, most of it full time, including reading the Bible "from cover to cover" several times and having hundreds of verses memorised, I had a lot of surprises when I started reading it again without the JW framework...
Spike Tassel
How did you become a JW in the first place, desib77?
I was raised as one.
I guess you're right. I could read it from a new perspective. Maybe starting from the beginning isn't such a good idea. I can't get past how none of it in an "Adam & Eve / Noah and an arc" sort of way makes any sense to me.