One of the things that disturbs me is the degree to which truth seems to evaporate in cases like this.
I've heard 'crowbars' mentioned here and by conservative talk show hosts. Incident Report #9005127 (Officer James Crowley's own report) makes no mention of 'crowbars:
"She told me that her suspicions were arounsed when she observed one of the men wedging his shoulder into the door as if he was trying to force entry."
Officer Crowley has publicly stated that Gates made comments about his mother. From Crowley's report though, it seems clear that Gates was not refering to Crowley's biological mother. The reference appears to be a metaphor for Crowley's superiors:
"His reply was "ya, I'll speak with your mama outside."
The actual charge Gate's was arrested for was disorderly conduct. 272-S53 Like most jurisdictions, this is a catch-all statute that is defined in Massachusets as:
"Common night walkers, common street walkers, both male and female, common railers and brawlers, persons who with offensive and disorderly acts or language accost or annoy persons of the opposite sex, lewd, wanton and lascivious persons in speech or behavior, idle and disorderly persons, disturbers of the peace, keepers of noisy and disorderly houses, and persons guilty of indecent exposure."
Also, like most jurisdictions, when someone does not definitely fit any of these descriptions, this is still the charge when a police officer simply does not like someone's attitude.