They are not your brothers- you are not one of them. Even if you were bapt and then df (which I think you are lying about) they still would not be your brothers as you are not one of them. Please direct me to the law about about head injuries and the WT having to give you written docs. I beleive they should have to do this...but legally I do not beleive they must.
Wars, earthquakes and famines are not signs of the end
by Doug Mason 107 Replies latest watchtower bible
Spike Tassel
I was told about my right as a "Canadian citizen", but I was not directed to the laws that apply, so I cannot direct you when I have not been directed correctly myself
Not that I beleive a word of what you are saying...sorry you have changed character too quickly and completely here. Things do not add up
Spike Tassel
I have a labile personality.
No, you don't...the only thing that changes is your story...which is common when untruth is told.
Spike Tassel
Isaac is not Jehovah, nor Jesus Christ, nor me. Isaac does not know what I clearly remember a head psychiatrist tell me.
Son of Man
Is this conversation between Issac and Spike between two people that know each other? I am familar with the J.W. procedure of announcing a disfellowship or disassociation. A head injury of some sort where the organization might be held liable is not a part of the same process. That is something that becomes a legal matter and is handled in a wordly fashion by mens courts not GOD's. I wil tell you GOD's perspective if I gather more information on the matter.......
the slave
Spike Tassel
this should be interesting, Isaac, you do know that this "Son of Man" is Estephan Leuese, don't you?
forgive me, who is Estephan Leuese?