JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?

by OnTheWayOut 307 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you post something for JWs on an apostate site, you are gonna get a bunch of people tell you why you are wrong. Then, it may clarify things for you a bit. So, you post something else for JWs. Again, another clarification. However, if they don't satisfy your answers, you can easily go back to JWs saying they were wrong all along and JWs were right and I stood up for what was right so my conscious is clean...

    Out of the mouths of babes...

    Cognac, you have remarkable insight. I tend to agree that any genuine JW defender that breaks the rules and reads and maybe even posts here is looking for us to convince them that WT is wrong. I was there once. I figured that, as a strong JW, none of my research investigating WTS would hurt me. If it's the truth, it is not afraid of the lies. If the research proves fruitless, then it should have strengthened my resolve that it is the truth and that Satan runs these websites and the media and science and education and history.

    It didn't work out that my resolve was strengthened, because research revealed that "the truth" was full of lies.

    I also suspect that the main JW defenders are just Trevor-trolls that like to start controversy. I am still hoping to catch some who actually believe WTS, like your husband. These others know how to just get everyone's dander up and offer little. I gave up calling a troll a troll long ago in case I was wrong, but when they persist on posting just to draw fire, it's like calling a water fowl that quacks a duck.

  • AllTimeJeff


    A humble suggestion: When I recall what I read regarding the internet, it seemed so right from a certain point of view.

    And yet, I promise you, EVERYONE has this one thought that they bury who is still in as a JW: "What are they so afraid of us seeing on the internet?"

    If its that evil, its that evil. But the only thing "apostates" talk about are their very real experiences, and many websites like Randy's have factual information about the history of JW's.... Books by Franz and Penton expose the white washed history of JW's for the real thing.

    THAT is what the GB doesn't want you to see. The above passage I quoted from the KM is intellectually dishonest, and designed to control people from not examining the JW faith.

    I wanted your hubby to see that too....

  • cognac

    Thanks OTWO...

    When I recall what I read regarding the internet, it seemed so right from a certain point of view.

    What do you mean?

    EVERYONE has this one thought that they bury who is still in as a JW: "What are they so afraid of us seeing on the internet?"

    That's a very true point!

    The above passage I quoted from the KM is intellectually dishonest, and designed to control people from not examining the JW faith.
    I wanted your hubby to see that too....

    I'm gonna go back and read that... Be right back!

  • reniaa

    hi onthewayout

    You want to draw 'genuine' defenders to reply but admit that if they pesist in posting replies they are betraying 'trevor'-like tendencies? Basically "reply to me but don't keep replying or i'll see you as a troll" this is not a fair platform. Presumably anti-witnesses such as yourself can freely post as much as they like without being called trolls or 'trevors'?


  • AllTimeJeff

    Hey OTWO, has anyone else posted? I can't tell....

  • cognac
    Web Sites of "Jehovah’s Witnesses": Consider, for example, some Internet sites set up by individuals who claim to be Jehovah’s Witnesses. They invite you to visit their sites to read experiences posted by others who claim to be Witnesses. You are encouraged to share your thoughts and views about the Society’s literature. Some give recommendations about presentations that could be used in the field ministry. These sites offer chat rooms for individuals to connect to, allowing live communication with others, similar to talking on the telephone. They often point you to other sites where you can have on-line association with Jehovah’s Witnesses around the world. But can you tell for certain that these contacts have not been planted by apostates?

    When I was a JW this didn't sit right with me. And I'm sure doesn't sit right with a lot of other JWs. And I will tell you why. The only way for the society to know that you shouldn't visit these sites because they are bad is for them to have visited themselves. Even if somebody wrote in about it, how would they know that they are even telling the truth unless they looked themselves

    "Well", I thought to myself, "They can visit them because clearly they are stronger then me because they are the FDS." However, I knew that it wasn't the FDS that was writing the material. It was the "other sheep". The FDS, according to my Dad, approves the written material. So, now, according to my knowledge, the "other sheep" were visiting these sites. Didn't make any sense to me.

    Unless, I was just not understanding the procedures correctly...

  • cognac
    Hey OTWO, has anyone else posted? I can't tell....

    Yes, me!!!

  • yknot


    I respect your right to conscience (and applaud it!) but I wonder how you manage to continue in such an ardent stance? I mean there are still many beliefs in which I agree with the WTS (and even apprceciate bringing brought out in the WTs) but I cannot deny through the century of written material that the claim of temple appointment isn't very 'evidently or logically clear' rather it is just a label and crafted chronology that has been repeated over decades with no proof (at least Joe Smith had 9 others claiming to see his alleged golden plates) other then Rutherford's claim of communing with angels which now in light of the 'not inspired' seem confusing since by continuing the appointment claim they are more or less making Rutherford an inspired prophet and not just a retired editor of the WTS.

    Are you really defending the WTS or rather the concept and right for such a denomination as the WTS (or any other for that matter) to exist?

  • AllTimeJeff
    When I was a JW this didn't sit right with me. And I'm sure doesn't sit right with a lot of other JWs. And I will tell you why. The only way for the society to know that you shouldn't visit these sites because they are bad is for them to have visited themselves. Even if somebody wrote in about it, how would they know that they are even telling the truth unless they looked themselves
    "Well", I thought to myself, "They can visit them because clearly they are stronger then me because they are the FDS." However, I knew that it wasn't the FDS that was writing the material. It was the "other sheep". The FDS, according to my Dad, approves the written material. So, now, according to my knowledge, the "other sheep" were visiting these sites. Didn't make any sense to me.

    No, you hit it perfectly. Because JW's are so indoctrinated, their brain turns off the alarms that ring when told they should not be permitted to visit websites discussing JW's.... (or for that matter, have private bible studies, different topic, similar paranoid pov by the GB)

    And yes, the other sheep do write this, but at the behest of the GB..... And they do visit these sites every now and then.... And then they go back and worship the GB....

    Good points though Cognac!

  • Hoping4Change
    ......God's disaproval

    Can someone please explain to me when Jevovah has ever disapproved of telling the truth, revealing the truth?

    I tend to be especially fond of this: Luke 9:49 and Mat 16:12. Now Jesus was Jewish, not a Jehovah's Witness (i.e member of the Organization calling themselves "Jehovah's Witness" which takes it's guidance from the Watchtower and Bible Tract Society). Was Jesus ever rebuked for revealing the wrong actions/beliefs of the Sadduceess and Pharisees? Certainly if Jesus was not rebuked for revealing/showing the truth, and a Chirstian should aspire to act as Jesus has, then certainly no one can be condemned a non-Christian for revealing truths and wrong actions/beliefs?

    For all the claims to being imperfect, why cant JWs simply say "We have been wrong about ...." (fill in the blank).

    While good/noble motives may be preferable when revealing truth, the truth is the truth regardless of where it comes from (again see Luke 9:49).

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