Just thought I would emphasize that the WT society is scared to death of what their people will learn on these sites . They won't admit they are scared- but they are nevertheless. Here's to freedom ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
JW Defenders- Is WTS Right to Insist You Stay Away From these Websites?
by OnTheWayOut 307 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Almighty Homer
Of course the WTS doesn't want any of its members to come to web sites like this for the obvious
reason that sites like this tells the real truth in an unbiased way about the JWS organization.
This indirectly puts cracks into their established kingdom which they sit upon and control.
I'm very glad that the inter-net is here making this kind of information available to the general public
and to people who are involved with this organization.
"I can't see this thread lasting very long when your target group is so small and you reject us anyway.
We don't reject you, Reniaa.
We reject the satanic Watchtower Society and its demon possessed Governing Body.
Reniaa compares posting here to fornication. (Call that baiting again if you like.)
I'd like to coin a couple of new words: fornibaition and fornibaitor.
Whether the words are on the screen or on a page, the WTS tells its followers not to read the writings of those who disagree with them . Use of the Internet could potentially lead to d/f although not automatically.
At the same time they decry other religions who (in the past at least) have tried to stop their members reading J W literature. An article a while back described how badly a family of 'Mennonite?" people were treated and shunned because they became J W's.
It is all for the same reason. Close knit controlling groups do not want their members exposed to other information that could damage their faith. For the WTS to denounce other churches, then to prevent the flow of information to their own members, is nothing other than hypocrisy.
Of course they mix in with the Internet warnings some very sound advice about Internet safety and the avoidance of pornography, but equate with that the use of sites that simply criticize themselves. That is also duplicitous.
Websites that expose the Governing Body, that expose the ever changing teachings and dates and prophecies, that expose the pedophile problem within their midst, that allow shunned and mistreated members the opportunity to express themselves and their pain and to get advice (like JWN) ARE IN NO WAY A DANGER TO ANYONE, AND SHOULD NEVER BE COMAPRED TO PORNOGRAPHY.
The GB is scared of the internet, and they should be. It has the antidote for their BS, and for what JW apologists come here to offer, the truth about the truth.
If they could somehow make it sound like one would be demon possessed for posting or reading on JWN, believe me, they would print it as gospel truth.
We go into the witneses knowing what they preach
This a direct lie. Many people get trapped into the Watchtower because they are not told the truth. The induction is orchestrated - now - if the Watchtower society would draw up a complete list of what they actually do teach, the bible they use, the scholar they had translate it, all their prophecies and what good works they do, that would be different because in the next column, they must also put down their punishment for not following the rules, as well as the fact that you are baptized, not in the name of Jesus but on behalf of the Watchtower. On the flip side, they would have to put the punishment for WTS direction that members promise to obey..for example: I promise never to allow any living friend or relative, even my child, the right to accept a blood transfusion, even if it results in my child dying; I promise never ever to go into a Christian bookstore to view their literature or I will be cut off as dead from all of my family and friends; I promise never ever to leave the Watchtower society for any reason because if I do, I will be punished with a virtual death and burial by all of my family and friends who are also JW's and this death will remain absolute until I am resurrected by reinstatment. I promise never to listen to unapproved music, I will never celebrate holidays nor will I allow my children to celebrate holidays; I will never read unapproved books or watch unapproved television or attend unapproved events; I will never attend a funeral or wedding in a place unapproved by the Watchtower; I will forsake any and all people regardless of whether or not they are family, so long as they are not Jehovahs Witnesses; I will look upon all people in the world who are not JW's as food for pig slop and I will lie under any circumstance so that may protect this organization.
People raised in the Watchtower don't go into it knowing the rules - they have the rules foisted upon them and either they obey or suffer extreme punishment. Even people who have bible studies with JW's don't know the rules because most certainly they don't tell a newbie about things like shunning - you know, the important things that might cause a lot of unneccessary distress.
I oughta know because when I questioned my JW 'friend' about this (shunning) shortly after starting a study (because I had heard a few things I needed clarification on), she looked me in the eye and told me she didn't know anything about shunning, never heard the word and most certainly the WTS didn't do it. I stopped any meetings after that because that spoke volumes about the morality and ethics of someone somehow 'chosen' to tell the 'truth' in that they could so easily lie about something so destructive to a person.
How did I know she was lying? Easy. My brother studied for a year with some JW's and during that time got close with a buddy. His buddy was disfellowshipped for something trite and silly, he didn't break off his relationship with his wordly girlfriend. He ended up marrying her and gee, ain't it really such a bad thing to fall in love and get married?? My brother witnessed the severe punishment the kid endured for almost 3 years and stopped the meetings himself. He remained great friends with the kid and they were like brothers themselves. The kid was a mess as a direct result of the shunning and so after struggling as long as he could, one night after my brother left his friends house, the kid walked into the park behind his house and hung himself.
My brother got the call that something was amiss and his friend was missing - he was the one that found him - the kid hung himself with his own belt. One policty dictated by the WTS caused this death and changed the lives forever for his wife, his baby and certainly for my brother who found him...don't think that doesn't haunt someone to the end of their days.
So - do people really know what the society teaches? That it teaches that love is wrong? That it teaches you to cut off your own kids? That it teaches such revulsion for others not JW's that you could see your own kid kill himself and still not flinch - not attend a funeral? Not to attend his wedding nor ever see his little girl? Most importantly, does it teach those newbies this policy or does it lie, like I was lied to and how many after me, that they don't even act this way?
Nobody knows the WTS until they are trapped inside and struggling for air to breathe.
What! No religion has any rights to any part of a persons life, and any religioin that says it does, is badly mistaken. What a bunch of Bloody Wankers and demigods the GB are to even for one moment assume, that we will not read what we want! Yet all along they want people to drop what they have been taught all their lives in favor of the JW's. Give me a break.
Do I smell something?? Could it be bullshit by wanna be Jdubs. How can you defend a organization when in all actuality and technically you are NO PART off. YOU ARE ON THE OUTSIDE LOOKIN IN TRYING TO MAINTAIN YOUR BLINDERS TO TRUTH! It's like you are saying that the GB's home cooked meals are GOOd, but then sneak away and cook your own meals adding what you want, then you sneak back and eat the GB's for leftovers. COME on people be honest with yourselves! You know you could never go back to the Borg and sit your tush in those hard seats and listen to a "spirit-directed" always right even when wrong ever increasing light that always gets brighter never ending magazine and book publishing that erases the past Jesus Christ appointed 29 years after he initially came FAithful and Discreet Slave class! As a active JDub who wants out Please!!
Sola Scriptura
Ok OnTheWayOut I'll bite
Is WTS right to insist that "true Christians" stay away from websites that debate the Bible and WT doctrine?
They don't "Officially" insist, but only strongly suggest. But if they did start to "insist" I would be forced to personally follow, by conscience, the following scriptures:
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 (The Message)
Don't suppress the Spirit, and don't stifle those who have a word from the Master. On the other hand, don't be gullible. Check out everything, and keep only what's good. Throw out anything tainted with evil.
1 Peter 3:15 (Amplified Bible)
But in your hearts set Christ apart as holy [and acknowledge Him] as Lord. Always be ready to give a logical defenseto anyonewho asks you to account for the hope that is in you, but do it courteously and respectfully.If they are wrong, isn't it possible that they are not spirit-directed?
Yes it is possible, that's why we should keep testing, regardless of what some may say. But many of God's greatest servants from the Bible (except Jesus) was "Wrong" about things that were later corrected. (i.e. Circumcision issue lasted years and caused great distress among Gentile Christians)if they are wrong, aren't you running ahead of them instead of waiting on Jehovah to reveal new light for you to come to these websites and "save us"
No. I'm not here to reveal "new light" or "save" anyone... I'm here to "give a logical defense to anyone who asks" about the "Hope" I voluntarily decided to believe in.If they are right, why are you disobedient?
Like I said earlier, They don't "Officially" insist, so I am not technically disobedient. (You know how us JW's love legal loopholes). And if I'm wrong, I'm sure God has bigger sins to forgive me for then this.
Respectfully directed to Jack Burton:In my years of service as a pioneer and MS, I don't recall the WTS EVER admitting they were wrong.
Although I would of like to see them get on their knees (David Style) and rip there suits into, begging forgiveness from God, it did not happen. But I'm OK with the "technical" admittance of guilt "Officially" Published in the March 15, 1980 Watchtower page 17
"5 In modern times such eagerness, commendable in itself, has led to attempts at setting dates for the desired liberation from the suffering and troubles that are the lot of persons throughout the earth. With the appearance of the book Life Everlasting—in Freedom of the Sons of God, and its comments as to how appropriate it would be for the millennial reign of Christ to parallel the seventh millennium of man’s existence, considerable expectation was aroused regarding the year 1975. There were statements made then, and thereafter, stressing that this was only a possibility. Unfortunately, however, along with such cautionary information, there were other statements published that implied that such realization of hopes by that year was more of a probability than a mere possibility. It is to be regretted that these latter statements apparently overshadowed the cautionary ones and contributed to a buildup of the expectation already initiated.6 In its issue of July 15, 1976, The Watchtower, commenting on the inadvisability of setting our sights on a certain date, stated: “If anyone has been disappointed through not following this line of thought, he should now concentrate on adjusting his viewpoint, seeing that it was not the word of God that failed or deceived him and brought disappointment, but that his own understanding was based on wrong premises.” In saying “anyone,” The Watchtower included all disappointed ones of Jehovah’s Witnesses, hence including persons having to do with the publication of the information that contributed to the buildup of hopes centered on that date."
also of note is:
Karl F. Klein (former GB member) said of Rutherford: (located in the footnotes of the Oct. 1, 1984 watchtower pg. 24)
"Regarding his misguided statements as to what we could expect in 1925, he once confessed to us at Bethel, “I made an ass of myself.”"Agape,
Sola Scriptura
"A simple layman armed with Scripture is greater than the mightiest pope without it"
-Martin Luther