Well, did you ever look at the back cover of the old songbooks and see the heavenly choir- all white, dressed in white with white wings, all american, no asian, none but white people. Blacks should have taken note of that.
Black people will be white in the new system
by bluecanary 34 Replies latest watchtower bible
Aren’t they also all men?
Firstly wow , how many current Witnesses know about this?
Why were the white people in the pictures all Americans? Is that Britishist or Australianist? What about Canadians , Germans etc ?
They certainly were a prejudiced lot .
( Tongue firmly in cheek )
Jan from Tam
jhine, in the early days of the WT publications, prior to 1950, very few if any black people were pictured. Even in Russell's days the conventions were segregated by race, because of the laws in the South (Jim Crow). Gradually the WTS got in step with the times and the laws changed. https://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/quotes/black-skin.php
Thank you Blondie .
Jan from Tam