Sometimes I go to a meeting…usually when the CO visits in case they actually say something of interest. They never do. The reason I go occasionally is to validate my decision to leave – 2 hours at the meeting is enough to convince any normal person with a brain that it is not the truth.
I went this morning. It was the same old drivel – ‘Are your stressed or discouraged? Go on the service, study, attend all the meetings, pray’ Then all will be well. No sign of any real attempt to alleviate the suffering of the brothers. Do more and more – if you crack under the strain it’s your own fault for not doing enough!
Here are some other highlights of the CO’s talk:
1) Isn’t the universe big? Some figures about how many stars, how far away they are, how much power from the sun, and stars like grains of sand – impressive numbers so must be created by impressive god.
2) The moon is not like earth – it’s made of glass beads so it reflects light better, a wonderful gift from God – the lesser luminary. (I thought the moon was made of the same stuff as the earth, sounds scientifically dodgy to me)
3) A sister in Malaysia had worn out shoes but went on the ministry anyway. Someone felt sorry for her and gave her some. Evidence of God caring for his Witnesses if they put Him first (yeah, right).
4) Lots of kingdom halls being built even in poor countries – evidence of God’s blessing. (how then do other religions manage to get halls/churches built?)
Plus lots of simplistic stuff which wouldn’t convince anyone who was remotely rational.
As I thought, they are still mentally, spiritually and emotionally stagnant.