Sometimes I go to a meeting.

by dmouse 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    Sometimes I go to a meeting…usually when the CO visits in case they actually say something of interest. They never do. The reason I go occasionally is to validate my decision to leave – 2 hours at the meeting is enough to convince any normal person with a brain that it is not the truth.

    I went this morning. It was the same old drivel – ‘Are your stressed or discouraged? Go on the service, study, attend all the meetings, pray’ Then all will be well. No sign of any real attempt to alleviate the suffering of the brothers. Do more and more – if you crack under the strain it’s your own fault for not doing enough!

    Here are some other highlights of the CO’s talk:

    1) Isn’t the universe big? Some figures about how many stars, how far away they are, how much power from the sun, and stars like grains of sand – impressive numbers so must be created by impressive god.

    2) The moon is not like earth – it’s made of glass beads so it reflects light better, a wonderful gift from God – the lesser luminary. (I thought the moon was made of the same stuff as the earth, sounds scientifically dodgy to me)

    3) A sister in Malaysia had worn out shoes but went on the ministry anyway. Someone felt sorry for her and gave her some. Evidence of God caring for his Witnesses if they put Him first (yeah, right).

    4) Lots of kingdom halls being built even in poor countries – evidence of God’s blessing. (how then do other religions manage to get halls/churches built?)

    Plus lots of simplistic stuff which wouldn’t convince anyone who was remotely rational.

    As I thought, they are still mentally, spiritually and emotionally stagnant.

  • rekless

    your post hit me as if it were me writing.

    I spent 35 years in and the day I left I realized that I had not learned anything new since the first year except grabbing on to old light that was recycled as new light and visa versa.

    I hope you are jesting about the CO stating the moon was made od glass particles so it is a lesser luminary.

    You do know the WT taught if you had a heart transplant you would take on the donors' personality.

    well have a good day

  • teejay

    Thanks, dmouse, for your synopsis of that fine meeting. I'm all set now for another year.

    Actually, reading your post made me a little ill... brought back memories of thousands of hours being bored to death when I could've been getting on with life. After you've been in for a year or two, you've basically heard all they have to say. Everything after that becomes rehash... and a rehash of rehash.


    p.s. I heard that about the moon forty years ago. Haven't they gotten new light on the moon's composition? You may want to hook up with your CO to help him. Just a thought...

  • Skimmer

    The Moon is relatively dark with an albedo of about 0.07, roughly a quarter of the Earth's average value. That makes the lunar surface about as reflective as charcoal.

    The WTBTS should smarten up and tell it's traveling boys to stay away from scientific topics.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Skimmer,

    You are absolutely correct about the reflectiviity of the lunar surface. For the benefit of others, the word albedo means "whiteness." If the moon where perfectly white it would have an albedo of 1.00. A neutral gray card, used in photography as a mid-point between black and white, has an albedo of about 0.16. "So," you ask, "why is the moon so bright?" The moon is bright because the sun is so much brighter, and every day on the moon is a sunny day.

    Once again the faith-based "science" of Watchtower laboratories proves triumphant - until compared with reality.

  • BadAssociation

    I might has well have posted this message myself. It never fails to amaze me how stupid the society considers the sheep. The whole glass bead theory is entirely new to me. I wish they would actually research their topics before presenting them, but who am I to question the organization? :) As for the woman in Malaysia, I have heard countless stories of the same thing. I guess they are just reminders of how we aren't doing enough in the congregation. :)

  • rhett

    I have a few pieces of the moon in my living room in the form of lunar meteorites. None are glass beads. Some have glass veins in them from shock metamorphism but that's all. Once again, this is why religion shouldn't enter science and vice-versa. BTW, I've got my nicest one for sale. $2,200 for .54 grams of moon rock. :)

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • teejay

    *** g73 5/22 8 The Moon-What Was Discovered? ***
    Made to Be a "Lesser Luminary"

    Another outstanding discovery of lunar exploration is that the moon was designed to be a "lesser luminary." Exploration of the moon revealed what is called "the surprisingly abundant glass."

    ... about 50 percent of its "soil" consists of tiny glass particles. The glass can be found in different shapes... [ranging] in size from tiny specks to very small marbles, and they are extremely lustrous when a light shines on them.

    Even the moon's rocks show that they were made to reflect light, for they are pitted with small glass-lined hollows. When space exploration researcher W. R. Shelton got his first look at moon rocks, he said that he peered down at a lemon-size rock with jeweled fragments of glass: "The base rock itself looked like gray charcoal. A man near me said that if he ran across it in a parking lot, he wouldn't have bothered to pick it up. But I would have. I would have been instantly intrigued by the shining fragments that peered out at me, almost as if alive." -- Winning the Moon.

    Yes, some of the glassy spheroids glinted out of the gray lunar rocks like tiny diamonds! And some of the rocks are covered with spattered drops of glass and appear as if they were glazed.

    That so much of the moon's surface consists of glass is unusual in that very little glass is found naturally in the soil on earth. Why, then, so much glass on the moon? Because the Holy Bible reveals that the moon was made by God to serve as a "lesser luminary" or a 'night-light.' The tiny glass beads act as the glass beads in roadside reflectors that catch an auto's headlight and shine brightly. The glazing of the rocks also contributes to the reflecting properties of the moon, as does the glassy lining in the pits of rocks.

    *** gh 64 7 Preparing a Happy Home for Mankind ***
    ... But what of the moon? Well, it has one of the darkest surfaces in the solar system, reflecting only 7 percent of the light it receives. Yet the moon's size and distance from the earth are just right to result in the soft, pleasant light we enjoy at night. Surely God's wisdom and love are evident in this "lesser luminary"!

    That being said, I am happy to be here at, exposed to the wealth of knowledge that is found here. You never know what subject might come up and who might know something about it... a wonderful byproduct of our mutual imprisonment.

    I learned a new word today: "albedo."

    Thanks, fellas.

  • Satanus

    >the soft, pleasant light we enjoy at night. Surely God's wisdom and love are evident in this "lesser luminary"!

    Well, if god was trying to light up the nights he didn't do a very good job. Many are the nights when there is no moon. Many are the nights the moon only gives a bit of light. If god was really intending to do the above stated out of love, then i would expect every night to be regularly lit up w soft loving light. And why do people tend to do things a bit differently in full moon times? I think this is another crock the wt is shoveling down the throats of its worker bees.


  • Satanus

    The so called glass on the moons surface is silica. Here on earth silica sand is used to make glass. If you go into some of the large deserts, you will see miles of silica sand, similar to the lunar surface. Surely gods love and wisdom are evident in the creation of all the huge deserts we have scattered around the various continents on this planet, not.


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