Sometimes I go to a meeting.

by dmouse 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    LOL! SS, you crack me up! We should go to a meeting together sometime, and make loud comments about the lack of intellectualism in the back...

  • teejay

    I don't know, Saint. You aren't giving the Wt enough credit.

    I was a bit intrigued by Skimmer's comment that the lunar surface was as reflective as charcoal. Maybe he'd been reading the '73 Awake (or perhaps Winning the Moon) which also said something about charcoal.

    Unless I haven't been paying attention, the last bit of charcoal I saw wasn't very reflective or bright. Funny that they're both made up of the same stuff.

  • ChuckD

    I want to go the the kingdom hall, and sit in the back row with these guys;

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    c'mon, TJ, you aren't saying the moon is made of charcoal, are you? Skimmer certainly didn't say it was. we all know it's Wemsleydale cheese.

    As dark as a charcoal briquette is, it does reflect some light, doesn't it? If you were to hold that charcoal in the blinding glare of a hollywood searchlight, you would find that as dark as the charcoal was, it would still reflect enough light to make it difficult for you to look at it.

    The moon is illuminated by the blinding glare of our sun, and is displayed against the unforgiving darkness of space. By contrast with the dark sky, the moon is bright.

    What if the moon was more reflective? If the moon had an albedo of 1.00, it would be more than 14 times brighter than it is on a clear "full moon" night, and night would probably be more like twilight.

  • Satanus


    You know we wouldn't last very long before the ms's would ask us to leave. I would be my first meeting since 1996.


    I did a quick google search and one of the first few sites ( gave the following:


    The most abundant element in the Moon's crust is oxygen (60 per cent), followed by 16 to 17 per cent silicon, 6 to 10 per cent aluminum, 4 to 6 per cent calcium, 3 to 6 per cent magnesium, 2 to 5 per cent iron, and 1 to 2 per cent titanium (all per centages by weight). All other elements are present only in trace amounts (less than 1 per cent by weight). The amounts of oxygen, silicon, and aluminum on the Moon are comparable to their abundance in Earth's crust. There is more iron and titanium in the Moon's crust than in Earth's, and the alkali metals, carbon, and nitrogen are less abundant than on Earth. Of the compounds formed by these elements, silica constitutes between 40 and 50 per cent by weight of the Moon's crust, compared to 48.5 per cent by weight of Earth's crust.

    I wasn't really concerned about the reflectivity of the moon. I was illustrating that the wt theory that the moon is the way it is where it is because god considerately wanted to give us a nightlite was ridiculous. If that had been his desire, he could have created 2 or 3 additional moons, so we would never have totally dark nights. Some planets have multiple moons.


  • teejay


    c'mon, TJ, you aren't saying the moon is made of charcoal, are you? Skimmer certainly didn't say it was.

    Oops! You and DIDN'T say that?!?? I must read more carefully.

    Obviously charcoal reflects SOME light or else it would be invisible. Okay. I get your point. Put a piece of charcoal against the nite sky, throw enough light on it, and it will shine like... well... like the moon. Got it.

    Maybe the Awake was right after all? (don't throw anything at me)

    Damn, Saint.

    I now know more about the moon than I ever thought I'd know. Actually, you beat me to the punch. This thread got me a little curious and I was headed to google (the best search engine on the net) to find out a little more about the moon.

    Thanks for saving me the trouble.

  • ISP

    I wouldn't mind going to a meeting or assembly now and then. I wouldn't mind getting some pics of my kids playing with game boy advance etc.!


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