Well, here's my latest "thing"...I plan on speaking with my siblings & their mates in the near future. I have told them that I have questions regarding some doctrines, mainly stuff like birthdays, mother's day, father's day, etc. My hubby has some questions for them regarding their wacky blood doctrine (but I wont cover that in this thread).
I plan on asking about their views first. Why don't they celebrate birthdays? Then, here is my whole slew of points I want to bring out. Please add to it, or tell me of the things I should leave out. Either way, I feel like I should probably rehearse it so I don't get nervous or act pompous.
Of course they will bring up that the Bible mentions 2 birthday celebrations, in which people were killed at each. (Gen 40:20-21 & Mark 6:21-29 & Mathew 14:1-11)
However,is it POSSIBLE that birthdays were so common that the bible writers didn't feel the need to write about them? Regarding the Pharoah's birthday (Gen. 40:20-21), is it POSSIBLE that the account doesn't even have to do with his birthday, but rather the fact that YHWH was with Joseph and helped him interpret dreams? Since YHWH with with Joseph in this account, wouldn't he also forbid birthdays? It would help to read the ENTIRE chapter to see that the baker was a sinner....wasn't it the popular thing to do to kill sinners in that day? So wasn't it actually a scripture about GOOD things?
*Isn't bringing a newborn a gift a BIRTHDAY PRESENT???
*Let's look at Genesis 21:8. What's this about?! Abraham threw a party for Isaac on the day he was weaned. Next, look at 1 Samuel 1:22, there is a reference to Hannah weaning her son. (I have not discovered this on my own...check out my thread on studying "What Does the Bible Teach") Next to the word "weaned", notice the letter "q"...if you go to the middle section of the page, it refers you to 2 Chron 31:16. where it speaks of a child being 3 years old at the time of weaning. Hmmmmmm, interesting.
I googled this subject....Jews believe the boy was actually having his 13th birthday, while many other christians feel it was a 3rd birthday party. Whether Abraham was celebrating the boy's birthday or not, wasn't he celebrating something Isaac really didn't have control of?
If they bring up how they don't like to acknowlege things of pagan origin, that is hypocrisy at its best. Where shall I begin?
*Pinatas (check out their reasoning in the Awake 2003 9/22 pgs. 22-23)
*Anniversary parties (there is no place in the Bible that instructs people to celebrate their wedding anniversary)
*Wedding Rings
*Wedding Veil (used to be used to protect the bride from evil spirits)
*Wedding Party (used as a distraction for the evil spirits)
*Carrying the Bride over the threshhold
*Saving the top layer of the wedding cake for a year
*Make-up (a reference in 2 Kings 9:30 is made to Jezebel applying make-up shortly before she is thrown from the window....YHWH doesn't prohibit make-up, but according to their birthday reasoning, shouldn't make-up be banned as well?)
*Baby Showers
*Flying Kites
*Pot lucks
*laying flowers on someone's grave...refer to Watchtower 1991 Oct 15th, pgs. 30&31
If something was pagan thousands of years ago, should it be considered pagan today? Refer to Awake 1976 12/22 pg. 14
Birthdays mark each year of achievement. Is that wrong? It is celebrating a life that YHWH provided. And as a sidenote, I do not ever remember someone having their head chopped off or even murdered at any of the birthdays I've been to. You may have a different experience, please let me know if you've heard otherwise
Also, if they say the only two birthdays mentioned in the bible reflected negatively on them...can we check out all the horror stories mentioned regarding drinking? Yes, there were times when Christians were told to drink & have a grand ol' time, but what about that bad stuff that happened? Wouldn't Jehooba's people decide it's best to leave alcohol alone until the new system, where the temptations will be gone?
*Genesis 9:20-25 caused a whole group of people to be cursed as a result of alcohol
*Genesis 19:30-38 Lot ended up having sex & babies with his two daughters as a result of drinking wine
*2 Samuel 13:26-29 Absalom got his brother drunk and had him killed.
Most "worldly people drink"....shouldn't the jw's try to be "no part of the world"?
Alcohol is the cause of 60% of car accidents
Alcohol causes approiximately 50% of homes to be dysfunctional, including jw homes (whether they admit it or not)
It is the leading cause of spouse/child abuse.
Drink on!
Ok, please let me know what you think. I really think I should practice the important points before they come over. Whaddya think?