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my story,my sins and their consequences
by highdose 34 Replies latest jw friends
Hi and Welcome to the forum....thankyou for you story....
Its so great your mom is out, it will make having her support a bit easier with leaving....
Welcome and hugs!!! I hope that you continue to get the help that you need and remember that you can always come on here and vent.
when you think about the negative things theyve said, give yourself credit for getting yourelf an education, credit for getting a decent paid job being blessed with the strength to go get help when you got overwhelemed. your mum obviously did a great job bringng you up with a strong work ethic inspite of the difficulties of being a single mum in a hostile environment. you got your strengths from someone and i'm guessing it was her. has it ever occurred that you might have got a hard time because they were jealous of what you'd achieved and what they they havent? just because they give up their own careers to live the way they choose doesnt mean they dont resent it when they see someone else doing well, ....and a woman too boot lol. your mum must be really proud of you
Highdose, thank you for sharing. Your experience, of the way the congo has treated you, has reinforced my belief that the identifying mark of true christianity will be the love demonstrated within the congregation. The love demonstrated in the KH is superficial at best and seems to be available only if you conform. That is not the love that any of us need!
welcome hd... you will always be listened to here, ignore the bullies they will always be around, but you dot have to pay attention.
hey - thank you. A great big welcome
Isn't it amazing that once you list out all the "sins" you were judged upon, it truly exposes the organization for what it is - a group of people who think they're better than everyone else, and will use whatever they can to make themselves "holier than thou." The way the "religion" is set up, it makes even the most sincere "brothers" and "sisters" become pontificating, selfish pricks. Sad to say, if you were in my hall I probably would've ignored you as well - which is awful and sad - even though I can relate to some of the things you said, on some levels.
So glad to hear a story I can somewhat relate to. You've performed the first very important step, building a life for yourself. It definitely ain't easy - hell look at the sad lot of us that still are trying to deal with our JW pasts. :p But it's absolutely worth it, and very rewarding as you make that journey - almost every day I realize how much better life is without the blinders.
Keep posting, and keep us updated on your life, both good and bad, and plently of people here will help you along the way. :)
We understand you and share your story. We are proof that it does get better.
I am glad you are here, welcome.
Thanks for sharing your story highdose!
I don't mean to hijack the thread, but I noticed that highdose mentioned that Reniaa was no longer here. I have been out of the country for a month or so...did Reniaa throw in the towel?...was she given an ultimatum by the Elders? Thanks!