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Low-Key Lysmith
Took the guns out for some shootin' fun last weekend.
Me & my AK-47:
A few rounds through the Springfield Armory 1911 .45:
Me & my AK-47:
Betcha could take out a few bunnies with that baby.
Low-Key Lysmith
Betcha could take out a few bunnies with that baby.
Prolly could, but I don't. Not a hunter. Don't have the heart or the stomach for it. My gun ownership is purely for the love of shooting, nothing more. (well, personal & home protection, too, but let's hope that never comes into play.)
For some reason, though, i ahve no qualms with clobbering a fish.
I wasn't serious. I can't imagine what that gun would do to bunnies. I'm so scared of popping noises that even canned biscuits make me jump when they pop open. Julian is very into guns. He doesn't have the real ones, but does have an airsoft handgun and rifle. He wants a paint gun sniper rifle.
Low-Key Lysmith
Wow! I'd hate to be behind that thing when it goes off!
One from this week:
That is supposed to be the world's biggest revolver.
Nice, John. I hope you are continuing to feel better.