Low_key....is that what we in NZ call a trout???? I am soooooo jealous!!!!!
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Low-Key Lysmith
Technically, it's a steelhead-an ocean-run rainbow trout. It's still considered a trout, just an anadromous trout, and also considered a separate species from the rainbow trout.
Tater-T, comb your hair!, I do not comb my hair at all, I just shave my head off completely every month. It looks better on me. Try it and see how you like it.
I'm fonder of you every day Low Key! And I don't even drink Whiskey!!
JK!!!! So nice to see you again!!!
Low-Key Lysmith
I'm fonder of you every day Low Key! And I don't even drink Whiskey!!
Very kind of you to say, ma'am. And whiskey's not for everybody.
Paul Simon says everything looks better in black or white. So I tried sepia. In case you didn't see the color version two pages back: very cool, very hip grandson Julian who turned 16 March 7th and his nanna (me), who's hip in her own way.
Paul Simon says everything looks better in black or white.
I'll take your word for it . . . You might question Paul's judgement now though . . .
This was me a couple of years ago after my hair fell out . . . it's grown back now LOL.
I don't photo well . . . so I photo seldom.