O.k. ! One last picture ! Man, my computer is running so slowwwww ! Jesus. Here is a picture of my 4 year old Lizzy dog the black lab rejoicing and being happy that her San Fransisco Giant baseball team is doing good ! She's a great fan !
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
flipper....Love all those smiles!
Glad you enjoyed the smiles and beautiful sunrises. We really do have a lot to be happy for once we exit the mind control of the WT society !
Would love to see some more pictures of you folks too ! Take care everybody and have a great weekend ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
finally awake
3 grumpy kids at a Steak N Shake somewhere in Alabama
FINALLY AWAKE- Hilarious picture of your kids ! I bet they are a lot of fun. Thanks for posting
Would love to see some more pictures of you guys and gals ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Here's our English Bull Terrier and Burmese cat sharing a bed!
Amelia Ashton
This is Bertie the first hedgehog we rescued. He was dark brown and the normal hedgehog colour when we got him home. What a shock we got when we bathed him. He had been totally covered in his own excrement
Amelia Ashton
This photo was taken today while we were weighing them. This little guy is 17 days old and not got his eyes open yet