I love these wonderful creatures. I breed them and also take in any unwanted ones. This is the mother of the white one above.
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
Last weekend in Cassino Beach (deep deep south atlantic - Brazil).
This is Rosie -she and Flipper's dog Lizzy are twins! We're all fans!
This is Rosie's "staring down the batter from the pitcher's mound" look. ;-)
I this thread!
Flipper, I don't know why, but I always imagined you looked sort of like your son on the picture, interesting
Far left with wifey.
Nice pictures of you folks AND your pets ! Really cool to see you all. Keep em coming !
KUDRA- Your Rosie DOES look like my Lizzy ! Since they both like the SF Giants, they could be teamates ! LOL !
ZAGOR- WEll, I guess it does make sense my son & I look like each other ! He's much better looking though ! LOL ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I don't have any pets right now, that I know of.
I do however have Sebastian.
I'm posting a picture of my beloved Bongo. That was my teenager bedroom he's set up housekeeping in. I miss that guy to this day.
Bongo, short for Country Boy's Bongo Bonanza, his registered pedigree name. This was 1972. He was my toy apricot poodle. Smart, savvy little peacemaker, was he.
Ducks will come into your home if you leave the door open. Canada Geese? Not so much.
What happens when you leave the sliding doors open and you live near a little lake. Ducklings are both curious and outgoing. Gosslings don't do this.