You have great photos! I'd post one of me and my kids but can't figure out how to do it.
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
four candles
Yeah,same here crapola,it never seems to work for me,even using a hosting site like photobucket.
Mr Flipper,great photos man,you and your family look good,and what a place to live!!!! wow!!
troubled mind
This winter in the Rockies
Great thread Mr. Flipper...always nice to put a face with a name....
Confused, maybe....
aw im bummed flippers son is spoken for!
Nice photos of everyone ! Thanks keep em coming !
FREEDOMISNTFREE- LOL ! Well I'm sorry my son is spoken for with a girlfriend. They seem pretty happy- but hey, you never know ! Things change in time as well- so keep your chin up ! I'm sure you are a great gal and will find someone as well. If not , I'll tell my son if things go south- to keep you in mind ! Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Flipper, do you & Mrs. Flipper accept apostates on Facebook? Would love to be-friend you . I don't bash jw's on there, I promise
HOMESCHOOL- My wife is on facebook, but doesn't use it much. We maintain connections more on private mails here, or by phone. PM me your information if you'd like and I will relay it to her . Thanks, Peace out, Mr. Flipper