This is from last Xmas. Chelsea had just opened one of her presents, and is showing it off...
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
O.K. FOUR CANDLES - Listen up , mate !
You have to have a photobucket account and put your pictures on it in order to download them onto JWN.
Once you have your pictures on your photobucket site picked out to bring here - come back here to make your post. Click on the green tree you see above here just to the left of the yellow broom. After you click the green tree - go back to your photobucket pictures on that site. Put your arrow at the bottom of the picture you want to transfer. Where it says " direct link " click on that. It will turn blue . Then on your keyboard hit "control C " . Then go back to your post on JWN. Then hit " control V" that will bring your picture in. It will ask you if you want to have these photos seen or something. Just click the affirmative button. Once you hit the buttons - your picture should show up.
If this doesn't work please refer to WASANELDERONCE'S thread he posted on posting pictures easier. That's how I learned . Hope either of these helps you
Cool dog and nice pic Ohio Cowboy ! Nice to see you bud! Here is our grandaughter dog Lizzy sleeping on grandpa Flipper's stomach !
Great pics Flip!!! (...and everyone else too!) I'm glad to see the WT hasn't completely destroyed your sense of humour!!!!
Yeah, Darlighter , we still have lots of life to live ! Gota keep our humor. Check this shot taken by my son on our hiking trip. Looks like I have fire coming out of my right hand ! I don't know if my son planned the picture that way- but pretty cool either way. Peace out.
Here is another picture of my son Flipper junior hanging out around the campfire.
four candles
Woo Hoooo!!!!!!!! Peace out Mr Flipper,man. Thank you,Bro!!!!! Well this is me then.
This is me now!!! Rock on good people!!!
Nice photos, Four Candles!
Me and my beautiful son.