That is a beautiful picture. You must be very proud of them.
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
COFFEE BLACK- What beautiful grandchildren ! What a great feeling you must have to have those dear ones !
Anybody else want to post pictures ? WE don't bite ! Hard . LOL ! Would love to see more of you
I can't remember if I've posted these before (curse you, old age!). You might find them humorous.
Here I am at a temple near my house. I'm not Buddhist, just taking advantage of a photo op.
Recently I found out that the JW branch office for Taiwan is only a 30 minute scooter ride from my house, so off I went...
Here's what it looks like, if you're interested. (Google Maps)
A very nice witness 'brother' even gave me—a Sparlock t-shirt-wearing diseased apostate!—a tour. Of course, one cannot leave without taking home some litter-ature (to quote WTWizard)
Nice pics Steve C ! Thanks for posting.
Anybody else want to post some pics ? feel free ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I'm waaaay past the 'I don't give a f**k' stage...
Taken last October in the UP of Michigan while on a fall photography trip.
This is my autistic son with me after a medical appointment in Boston last year.
JOURLES & WOLFMAN- Nice pics ! Thanks for sharing !
Anybody else ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Here are a few randoms.I am also on Facebook, same name, not hard to find =)
-Hymie Ali
I love this thread......Puttuing faces to the avatar is great
HYMIE - Thanks for the pictures ! Lookin good dude. Any more pictures from anybody ? Would love to see ya ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper