Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !

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  • babygirl30

    Very pretty OneStepOut93...

    DJS - that pic of the female bod are her CURVES?!! lol.

  • DJS


    The lyrics from a Positive K song from the '90s come to mind, but . . . another day. More art (yes, DJS, must focus on art, must focus on art, must focus . . . )

  • DJS


    I would say they are right where they should be. I'm very shallow. But you all already knew that.

  • SecretSlaveClass
    That flooring is nuts. Cedar? Maple? White oak? Huge fan of parquet. I'll post some pics of our upstate place also crazy flooring, personal river front view, twelve acres of woods ...
  • OneStepOut93


    Art huh? What kind of art?

  • DJS


    Flooring is oak.


    The picture in the foyer is a Salvador Dali. The sculpture, a bronze cast of, yes, girl parts, which you can barely see (in the niche), is a Tuan. The mural on the wall is from a photograph taken of a seaside cafe in the S. of France very close to where I stayed a few years ago. It was painted by two artists I adore. Some of the rugs are collectibles.

  • OneStepOut93

    DJS: Ooooh someone is a fancy pants! Are you going to sit down and have some caviar? Lol, just kidding. It is very nice though! The overall feeling is nice.

  • DJS


    Ya know, most people couldn't get away with calling me a fancy pants. I think you could get away with anything.

    But you probably already know that.

  • LisaRose
    Great,taste. Just don't ever have me over. All my years in the military has made me a fast eater and therefore my food causes collateral damge. That white furniture and me ... Nah. My wife constantly shakes her head at me.

    Ha ha ha. My husband is a retired army warrant officer, and that is one the few things that drive me buggy. It's not so much the collateral damage as much as the volume. I've tried everything to make him aware of closing his mouth when he chews. To make things worse, he lays his head on the headboard and eats crunchy things, which amplifies the sound greatly. ARRRGGGHHHHH! Being hard of hearing, he is just not aware of it. Unfortunately, due to some health issues, I am super sensitive to noise. After 15 years he remembers, sometimes, and knows when I give him "the look" what it means. I can't complain though, he he a great husband otherwise.

    Your house is lovely.

  • DJS


    Thank you. Every room is pretty much filled up with stuff like you see. And, no girl was harmed in the making of the house (translated - I've lived by myself for 2 decades and all you see is my interpretation)>

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