Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
four candles
You must be the invisible man,Iknowitall........................or woman,maybe.
Nice photos! Keep 'em coming.
The funny thing about a picture thread. Is you see joke pictures, and real. However, you never know if you are right to say if one is a joke or real. I worry I would say something like, "Man you are one ugly lady/guy" joking. Then you realize, wait ... that was really them. LOL
Is there any way to upload a picture here from your own computer?
free2beme: "The funny thing about a picture thread. Is you see joke pictures, and real. However, you never know if you are right to say if one is a joke or real. I worry I would say something like, "Man you are one ugly lady/guy" joking. Then you realize, wait ... that was really them. LOL"
Could it be that you are defining beauty by commercial advertising standards? Could it be that what you have interpreted as "ugly" is actually unexpected "character" and has taken years to develop?
I haven't seen too many old people that I would call "pretty". But pretty and beauty are two different things in my book. Real beauty comes from's the spirit...a humans "active force".
You'd be surprised how many people judge others based on appearances. You probably wouldn't give me the time of day if you passed me on the street. You'd never know what you missed! But here, in internet world, you get a chance to really know me better by my words. My words and thoughts show more of the real me than the facade of flesh that I inhabit.
Flipper, so ironic that your son has "Freedom" down his arm.. That word means so much to me now! I'm thinking of getting it tattooed... (somewhere not too obvious though!) X
Wow ! What nice pictures of you all ! What great looking people you all are ! Thanks for posting ! I'll reply to this pg, first.
LITTLEBIRD- Nice to meet you ! what a great picture ! Very nice flowers too.
SMSALVIT- Very nice shot ! A good lookin guy you are. Bet you make the lady's swoon.
CANTLEAVE & NUGGET ! - Nice to see you and meet you via picture ! Thanks for posting. Hope to meet you guys some day. A very happy couple.
LETSLATEJWS- Nice picture ! Thanks for postin it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper