I wish i could post my piccie but have Carrots family still in.... One day.....
Post a Picture Thread - Nice to Meet You !
by flipper 2310 Replies latest members private
I don't think I want to post a pic just yet. But if someone wants to be my friend on Facebook, PM me.
I have a few friends here on Facebook, so far so good. You can see me and my little ladies!
Being on the private part of this forum doesn't make anything private though....does it? Am I missing something? Any JW elder can join and get all up in your business and make life difficult if they wanted to.
I have a lot of friends from jwn on facebook and don't even know who they are. PM me your name on facebook, so I can know, Mamalove.
WOW ! Been working a lot the last few days ! Lots of new pictures Thanks ! You are all beautiful people !
TROUBLED MIND- Looks like you're gettin' ready for Halloween ! I've been wanting to watch a scary movie lately.
CANTLEAVE & Daughter- You and your daughter look great m friend. What a beautiful backdrop in the picture. Is that your property ?
KURT BETHEL- Wow ! You remind me of a pirate lost in an island forest of palmtrees ! LOL ! Good picture. If you ever check out the 1978 album " Love Beach " by Emerson, Lake, & Palmer - check out the way the 3 band members are dressed- you would make a nice 4th member of the group in that picture. They dressed EXACTLY like you did, same style - Pirate type. Very cool.
FLYING HIGH NOW- Very nice pictures my friend. That strawberry is gettin a little wild with you, huh ? LOL ! Or you with it ?
VOIDEATER- Hey great picture my friend ! Nice seeing you in real life.
CYBERJESUS- Dude. You have got to make your niche in Hollywood. I'm serious. You've got that actor look about you for sure my friend ! You look like you were built made to order for those Western films for sure ! And I've seen you dance in real life too ! You can accomplish anything you put your mind to.
LOZHASLEFT- What a nice picture of you and your daughters ? I'm guessing those are your daughters. And it's a good one of you and your husband also ! Nice to meet you !
DARTH PLAGEIS- You also have that movie star look to you my friend. You definitely remind me of either an actor, but possibly also a better looking version of Sammy Hagar too. I know I've seen an actor who looks like you- just can't remember the name ! But. that's a compliment to you. Nice pictures, thanks for sending them ! Nice meeting you.
LITTLE IMP- What a nice picture of you and your boyfriend or husband ! A beautiful backdrop for sure ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
P.S. Hey folks ! Keep the pictures coming ! This is fun ! Makes us get to see who we are in commnicating back & forth ! Keep it up ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper