Russians, Ukranians, Kazaks, Poles...the victims of genocide, victims of war and politics and policy...mass starvation, forced slavery in penal camps freezing to death, starving to death....and still rising up as productive cultures.
Blame is as blame does. If one looks for 'blame' then they are looking for justification or rationale on why they act in a negative way than they will find something somewhere to support that. Blame is also not allowed to be equal in our society either. A person who might claim that his torturous or murderous actions should be blamed on suffering by his ancestors has copped out and in fact would decry a 3rd generation alcoholic placing the blame for his addiction and subsequent drunk driving/manslaughter charge on his ancestors...when in fact, that 3rd generation alcoholic has a disease and his DNA genetically altered by that disease from prior generations. Ditto poverty. Ditto abuse.
We should accept that all people have suffered equally throughout history and no one people have suffered greater - learn from it, accept it, acknowledge it and move on because until we do, there can never be peace. sammieswife.