Can we blame our ancestors for our own shortcomings?

by undercover 443 Replies latest jw friends

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Facts Sylvia? How about these:

    1. you live in a country where you are free to voice whatever opinion you have
    2. you live in a country where you have an active say in government
    3. you live in a country where you have a good job and an opportunity to play on the internet all day while you're at "work."
    4. you are free to leave this country whenever you want
    5. you have a higher standard of living than the average African has
    6. you live in a more secure country than an African does
    7. you have the freedom to believe whatever cockamanie religious bs you choose
    8. you have not only a private course of action for any wrongdoing you feel exposed to, you have judicial ones as well as political

    When was the last time you expressed thanks for any of these things? When was the last time you felt thanks for them?

  • beksbks
    Show me any other group that has come so far while grappling with emotional and psychological scars that would have long ago leveled those of lesser stamina!

    Geez, how could I have missed the group that has suffered the most, and come the farthest!


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Geez, how could I have missed the group that has suffered the most, and come the farthest!

    Shut up woman! And make me a sandwich.

  • BurnTheShips
    Jews were captured, shackled, and packed like sardines in vessels and shipped to a different country?
    Jews were ripped apart as families and members sold on auction blocks to the highest bidder?
    Jews were declared to be 3/5 of a person?
    Jews were denied the right to an education on pain of death?
    Jews were bred like livestock?
    Jewish males were brutally whipped, castrated, or killed for standing up for their families?

    Yes. Over and over again.

    The experience of African Americans in the New World is not unique in history. It has happened over and over and over again.

    Regarding Jews, we can even ignore the Holocaust. Read what the Edward the Longshanks did to the Jews in England. Or what the Spanish crown did to hundreds of thousands of Jews in 1492. Those are my ancestors on my mother's side. The ones that submitted and stayed behind. We can go back farther. What the Romans did. Etc. What Stalin did to the Jewish peasantry. 2000 years. The Holocaust is not original in history.

    Jews were test subjects for science experiments. Things were done to them that we would flinch of doing to lab rats.

    Jews were not 3/5 of a person, they were not even human. Untermenschen. Rats to be exterminated.

    Jews were submitted to a carefully planned effort to wipe them all off the face of the earth.

    The Jewish intelligentsia was massacred. The Jews were denied access to education and basic services. Their body parts were used to manufacture lampshades. Their teeth were ripped out for use as gold and decorations.

    The untermensch that masterminded the Holocaust killed himself in 1944. In 1948, barely 4 years later, the Jews of the world finally had a country of their own again after 2000 years. Every sword was against them from the very first minutes of the establishment of their state. They have survived. In the decades since, they have built an advanced society that puts their neighbors to shame.

    If you have not already, I recommend you at least watch Schindler's List. It is authentic. I promise you, if you are not chilled to the bone, you do not have a heart. There are also many books documenting what happened in Nazi Germany.


  • snowbird

    Insert a "we" in all 8 of those propositions and the two questions, and I will agree wholeheartedly.

    As for #3, I learned how to multi-task in childhood by tying a book to the strap of my cotton sack; I could pick cotton and read all at the same time!

    I can field questions on a discussion board and never miss a beat on my job. I've been doing this for nigh on to 10 years; haven't received a complaint yet!


  • snowbird
    The experience of African Americans in the New World is not unique in history. It has happened over and over and over again.

    I know that, Burn, but the subject is centered around African-Americans.

    I am African-American.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    I know that, Burn, but the subject is centered around African-Americans.
    I am African-American.

    Did you or did you not ask for other similar groups to be named?

  • undercover
    ...the subject is centered around African-Americans.'re centered around African-Americans. The subject is about whether anyone can rightfully blame their ancesteral heritage for their own shortcomings.

  • undercover
    Did you or did you not ask for other similar groups to be named?

    Law school's starting to pay off...

  • snowbird

    This is what I asked:

    Show me any other group that has come so far while grappling with emotional and psychological scars that would have long ago leveled those of lesser stamina!

    If you take that filibustering posture into a courtroom, the judge is going to have you for lunch.


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