Other than possibly family members, do you care what happens to those you called "brothers and sisters"?
Do You Care What Happens To Indiviual JWs At This Point In Time?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
No more or less than I care about any other human being.
Like the Kids I grew up with?..Of course..
There`s not a dam thing I can do about it..
The WBT$ says they are happy and they believe it..
My friends are my family.
No more or less than I care about any other human being.
That was along the lines of my thought.
I care more about people that are "in" my life than people that "were in" my life but avoid me.
I don't wish a truck would hit even the C.O. (jackass) but if it did, I would say "what a shame" and eat my lunch.I won't go to a JW funeral at the KH for anyone I served with, knew, cared about. The only exception is that I would go to comfort a family member of a deceased JW when the family member is "in" my life. Best example: I would go if Minimus needed his friends from JWN to comfort him.
i wish evil to none...
beyond that, they
are just people i
used to know......if any need help escaping,
i would do everything possible
to come to their aid -
My JW parents keep me informed (whether I like it or not) about who is divorced, who is sick and who has died in my old KH. It's like reading the news about total strangers.
White Dove
On the way out and Outlaw covered it for me.
Yes, I care very much.
As an ex-JW, I'm uniquely qualified to understand just what a nightmare that many of them are trapped in.
No more or less than I care about any other human being.
Goor or bad...
If it's someone I knew, was friends with, I do care about them. I care the same as I care about other people I'm friends with that aren't JWs.
But if it's someone I didn't know, then I don't concern myself with them anymore than I would someone who wasn't a JW that I don't know.
My whole angst, anger or whatever is against the organization, not the people. Most of the people are sincere, well-meaning people. They're just duped and brain-washed. I pity most of them...though there are a few that I have absolutely no use for whatsoever.