I care very much, yet at the same time, I can't help but feel myself detaching emotionally as I fade. I was disowned by a parent, so knowing that the "friends" are required to basically disown me if I no longer share their beliefs, I feel the need to protect myself emotionally to prepare for that outcome by pulling away from the friendships myself so that it is less painful when it does happen. It is sad, because I cannot be honest and tell my closest friends that it is nothing they have personally done, that I am just not the same person I once was and cannot be a spiritual "encouragement" to them. To protect the rest of my family from an outcome they beg me not to force, I have to "pretend" I am just discouraged as I fade, daring not to say why I am inactive. It is painful. I'd rather be honest so friends can stop trying to figure out why I am not returning their calls. I am not returning their calls because I cannot say what is on my mind and I am afraid that with my closest friends, I would, and it is not "safe" for my family for me to do so. The more I try to verbalize what I am going through, the more awful it sounds. I am sure many of you have been here before. It is just new to me.
Do You Care What Happens To Indiviual JWs At This Point In Time?
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
lifelong humanist
In general, I only care for people that I know who might approach me for any sort of help. Then, I'd offer whatever unconditional help or assistance I reasonably could. Whether they are JW's or not makes absolutely no difference to me!
However, I can't spend time worrying over problems individual people experience that I don't know they are having. Of course I'm concerned when I hear of natural disasters, people starving, etc. My heart goes out to these people, and I can contribute some money if a fund is set up to provide assistance. This, I think is the most balanced approach to take and maintains my sanity.
The sad thing for me is that the JWs that I knew well over many years wouldn't approach me as I DAd myself about 6 years ago. In the past, many did approach and I believe the help I offered was a benefcial to them. I know of several who, even now, would value my judgement and might ask for help, but, I reckon they'd be too afraid of being found out and reported to the elders for their actiions. I'd like to believe that one day these people would feel free enough to counter the pressure to conform to their man-made rules, and just be themselves!
The ones that were active in imposing celibacy on me (and yes, Jehovah, that goes double for You), I hope all their efforts in life go to nothing. I can only hope that these humanoids grow old and die destitute, heavy of heart for wasting their whole lives trying so hard to ruin mine, and that their efforts to recapture me only end up getting themselves hurt or that I can sabotage their whole ministry, including dogging the assignment of getting just plain men into the cancer.
Those minding their own business, I just hope they realize that they are wasting their lives (I hope their ministry is in vain, and they get zero results). The hope for them is that they will get discouraged and quit the religion or that they will realize that the Bible, the Washtowel, or both lie and desert the religion so they can become worldly people that used to be Jehovah's Witlesses.