I don't want to misrepresent what Gilead showed me about the NWT. The impression I got personally was this, that the GB (via the Gilead instructors) spent too much time promoting/defending the NWT. I didn't think our class needed it, we were already indoctrinated. (right?) So why do this more?
It was hard to promote the superiority of the NWT when not having comparative bibles to read... It was odd.
We got to see the "J" references (including one published in 1986, after the 84 reference bible and KIT came out)
I don't think that the GB promotes the NWT so much as certain verses within it that are so obviously different. Otherwise, whether you talk of greasing or annointing a head, or refer to the ruach/pneuma as "holy spirit" or "breath", its just the liscence that any translator can take.
Stephen, I understand that the NWT has certain passages that obscure Jesus, but I agree with Narkissos that a simple reading of the NWT in context can, by itself, draw anyone paying attention to a different conclusion from what the GB would have you believe.