What EXACTLY Did "Adam Lose"?

by cameo-d 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I am imperfect, unlike Adam was. Since I am outside, I can only ask other outsiders.

  • cameo-d

    You are imperfect by whose standards, Spike?


    What is the criteria for perfection, Spike?

    Should we all be uniform like bees in a hive?

    Or should we all be unique like unicorns?

    Who is this being that would call us "perfect" as long as we are without knowledge?

    Who is this being that would prefer we not use our minds?

    Who is this being that destined us only as slaves for himself?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    I am not here to debate, but to have an interchange of encouragement. Peace out.

  • moshe

    The story of Eden is allegory, not literal. Animals have no shame, no knowledge of good and bad, as they are driven by instinct. When man evolved into from a mind pure instinct and became a conscious being, he then had the depressing and fearful knowledge that he would die at some point. In Genesis account the creator never says that man would "never die", it says he would surely die if they ate the forbidden fruit. Much as would happen, if you picked up a venemous cobra, it could be said you would surely die from the bite, if you did that= a premature death. People read into the Genesis story that it means man could have lived forever, if Adam and Eve had not eaten the forbidden fruit. Satan's lie was that you don't have to die and interestingly, that is the hook for most religions.

  • Farkel


    :Let Jehovah God be found true, regardless of the ridiculers' faithless comments

    What is that? Some little mantra you utter when you have no real arguments, which you hope will somehow make your worthless arguments right?


  • isaacaustin

    cameo-d...sorry I didn't get back on last nite...

    You are right- had Adam eaten of the tree of life he would have physically lived forever. But God mercifully took him away from the garden so he could not forever live a life separated from God. I understand your point of how you are saying God is holding against us what Adam did. For some reason right this moment I can not think of a good answer...other than to say Adam was warned he would die...be seaprated from God the day he ate from it. How could his children born to him be any different?

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Moshe, like Isaac says, to eat of the tree of life would mean living forever. As Genesis 1 points out, mankind is not an animal, but is made in God's image, thus having free will, and the potential of living forever if we live obediently, according to Jehovah's directions.

  • isaacaustin

    Spike, we agree here. :) God's removing Adam and Eve from the garden was an act of mercy...keeping them from an eternity of physical life separated from God

    Genesis 3

    3:22 And the Lord God said, “Now 64 that the man has become like one of us, 65 knowing 66 good and evil, he must not be allowed 67 to stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” 3:23 So the Lord God expelled him 68 from the orchard in Eden to cultivate the ground from which he had been taken.

  • RubaDub
    He lost paradise.

    Exactly MIN ....

    Sort of like working in La Jolla California and getting transferred to Detroit.

    Rub a Dub

  • Heaven

    Adam lost the opportunity to meet all of us. What a waste!

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