So sorry to hear. I've been there myself to... not fun. My parents did end up shunning me. The only good that came out of it is that I don't have to deal with it any more.
Not been on for AGES but need to rant
by billie jean 29 Replies latest jw friends
just goes to show what nasty horrible people Dubs really are, again been through exactly the same with screaming,insults and even having my sanity questioned, my sister thought I was possessed! whatever happened to the fruits of the spirit that they are meant to possess and the new personality they are meant to put on?
lifelong humanist
billie jean
While I can comprehend and sympathise with the situation that you write about, you should surely be pleased that you were at least invited to stay? - most JW parents would would have just 'cut you off' - so that's something positive, and , hopefully, somewhere to start sorting things out in your relationship with them.
I'd say to just try and keep calm, stay reolute, and who knows when your parents might realize that it is not you, but them that have the problem, due to their beliefs and lack of accommodating yours?
In my 35 adult years as a JW, I reckon that many JWs have serious doubts about the very existence of god, far less their own JW organization's version of god!
Good luck with your awkward situation, though.
billie jean... I am very sorry you had to go through this. My parents did this to me back in the early '90s. It started out with the 2 of them sitting at the table with me (one across and one beside) and asking the following question:
"Do you know why Jesus died for us?"
Now... I had studied for a few years as a teen as well as a child. So I was rather surprised at the question. I gave them the correct answer (of course I know why) which seemed to anger them immensely. It was as if they expected me to answer incorrectly. And it went downhill very quickly after that. There was some very nasty anger thrown at me. I kept my calm. I did not play their game. I kind of went into third party mode, where you disconnect your emotional self from the goings on and allow that self to observe as a third party would what was happening.
Question: Why do JWs do this especially when it does not accomplish any goal but to convince the attacked person that the JWs are messed up?!
I'm not an atheist but still feel your parents attack was totally 'unChristian' in their approach. Are they trying to drive you away from the Witnesses?
I quit!
I'm sorry you had to go through that. They are in a religion where nothing they have ever said has come true yet instead of questioning it they expect you to believe and follow it. They whine whenever anyone points out a problem with their beliefs and scream intolerance yet attack other peoples beliefs like pit bulls. A JW family can be completely dysfunctional with severe mental problems yet no one would dare suggest the problems might at least in part be caused because they are Jehovah's Witnesses. All I can say is forgive them because they are brainwashed.
Welcome home in more ways than one ,
But just be thankful,they didnt ask you to drink the cool-aid (Jonestown)
Or they didnt set fire to the building & tell you to sit astill (Waco)
So lets all be thankfull we were in this slow,incaring,"killem"all cult.
Glad you know we understand....Been there...!!!!!!! -
Yes, this is the place to rant, and yes, we do understand. I'm sorry your parents treated you that way.
Baba. -
I never ceases to amaze me the GALL and the SELF RIGHTEOUSNESS and the TACTLESSNESS and the total lack of LOVE JWs display. They become Jekyll and Hyde. They berate, insult, belittle, mock...what the hell IS that??? Is that behavior supposed to make us RUN back into their midst if only to make the CHIDING STOP??
Oh HELL no.
Im sorry you had to deal with that with your own parents. They probably thought because you were staying there you were cornered and would have to listen to their 'bile' and bile it is!
billie jean
I'd like to thank everyone for their very caring replies, it's great to know that others have been in the same situation and that i'm not 'going mad' myself. there were so many good points here and many i mentioned to my parents and got the same replies,etc. i did mention that i was worried about how one day they might all do a 'Jonestown' that didn't go down well either.
Many thanks again, much appreciated