Get ready to gag.
*** For those of us who daily pray for our loved ones to turn to Jehovah
quickly, this is a real shot in the arm!! ***
The following experience was given at the Long Beach International
convention on Sat afternoon.
Bro Jeffrey Jackson related the following to impress on us the power of
Jose was baptized in 1968 in Ecuador, but his family, a wife and 6
children were opposed to him.
They never let him study with them in his home.
But something he could do was pray with and for his family at meals.
He did this for 20 years. His family never responded though and in 1988
Jose died.
The family, now also grandchildren went to his funeral then came back
One of the grandchildren, a girl, stood up and asked, "who will pray for
us now that Grandfather is dead?"
The family of course started to cry, then one of Jose's sons, Carlos
up and said he would try to pray for the family.
During the prayer, Carlos?asked forgiveness for the family for not
becoming Witnesses.
He then said?he would become a witness.
20 years later and 19 members of Jose's family are in the truth and 10
Carlos is an elder and one of the grandsons is at the branch in Ecuador.
The thought was that Jose was ignorant of the power that his prayers
had?and so are we.
Keep on praying and know that they may be heard even if we?don't know it.
During the telling of this experience Bro Jackson stopped.
He was giving the talk in the Korean venue and his translator got choked
up and couldn't keep going.
Afterwards when he could start again the Korean brother and sisters
clapped for him.
We teared up and laughed at the same time