Experience at the Calif. Convention Email

by whereami 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • besty

    Jackson had some lessons from Steve Ballmer maybe?


  • verystupid77

    Yep he said it at our assembly too.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Geoff Jackson... Boy, he is on the surface the nicest of them all, but my gut tells me he is the most.... He is the one not to trust.

    Hell, don't trust any of them, but its the friendly ones in this cult that will bite you in the ass. No one really knows what Jackson's pet peeves are yet.... And that is what worries me... Maybe he is more dangerous then Losch...

    He is a helluva speaker though...

  • watson
  • OnTheWayOut

    secretly have some apostates prepared with like 100 footballs - and when he gets to that point in the talk - heave the balls all at once at him ! Would be freaking hilarious.

    ROFLMAO. Pretty good!

    It does seem to honor the game and thus fly in the face of what other JW leaders have said about football, though.

    Good point. Dubs Speakers are trying to mainstream a bit.

    I can't wait for someone to see what webstory they stole this one from. I bet they didn't even change Jose's name.

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