Why don't you just take it like a man?
Tell them thats exactly what you're doing is taking it like a man.
Tell them if they didn't learn anything else from the WT they shoulda seen according to the literature that it was the
woman who was to remain silent in the congregation and if she had a question she asked her husband at home.
But the man was entitled to speak,ask question and validate the information. (supposedly)
The woman was to remain silent as Paul said not permitting them to speak in the congregation (regarding teaching
according to the WT) and to be submissive to their head.
Also point out that at 1 corinthians 11:3 it says the head of every woman is the man, the head of the men is the christ,
and the head of the christ is God.
No where in that do you see the head of the man is the congregation or the Elders or some other such wording.
Tell them if you remained silent you would feel womanly and not manly.
(and to all you lovely ladies out there you know I love to hear what you have to say and that none of you should be
silenced. God gave you a brain and a mouth just like he did us men. I'd say he gave them to use not to keep closed
your whole life)