If you have to give up your dog, please watch this video

by restrangled 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finally-Free
    Humans can learn a LOT from our Animal Friends, especially when it comes to unconditional Love.

    Absolutely. Animals don't care if we're rich, poor, fat, ugly, or smell bad. They don't care about your religious or political leanings. When given love, they return it a thousand fold. Family and friends may come and go, but a beloved pet is loyal to the death. I've never had a dog, but I wouldn't trade my Rocco for a thousand humans.


  • restrangled

    JD...my dear friend:

    Until you have been the owner of a beloved dog or cat, please refrain from making silly comments as stated below by you..I do appreciate your humor, but this is a serious subject for me

    Sometimes, and on certain threads it just isn't appropriate... maybe I'm being too sensitive.

    Love you anyway. r.

    JD asked: "Have you ever seen how dogs unconditionally love chickens and flower beds?"......


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Until you have been the owner of a beloved dog or cat,

    I've owned several good dogs. But, I hold no unrealistic fantasies about them. And I wasn't being entirely humorous either.

  • restrangled

    JD....you used the word Fantasies,....what did you mean?

    I also have had many cats and just recently dogs over the years...."Fantasies" have never entered my mind.

    Please explain......


  • lancelink

    I'm a registered humane investigator, and work mainly with the larger animals such as horses.

    Some of the stories and situations just amaze me, how utterly senseless and having a lack of conscience people can live with.

    This dog video is very very tame compared to the things I have worked with.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Yeah, JD, what about those thar "fantacies," hmm?

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