Interesting quote on jewish law...

by mkr32208 21 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • skeeter1

    Jews will take hormones and serums produced by pigs and horses.

    I had a Muslim co-worker, Hamid. I invited Hamid over for a dinner party. Know what? He couldn't touch most of my food because it wasn't KOSHER! Hamid said that the Muslim dietary law was very similar, if not exact, to the Jewish laws. He could eat at a Jewish house, and he bought his lunch from a Kosher deli.

    I know the Muslims and Jewish people fight alot, but they are very similar. No wonder, they were brothers .... long before Christ. And, it shows in their shared food table.

    When I started looking into this, I spoke with a about 4 Jewish Rabbi's, a Kosher Board, Jewish doctors, a Muslim medical doctor who is an expert on applying Islam to medical ethics and speaks around the world.

    My conclusion was that the WTs does not take these scriptures into context. I also don't think the WTS believes its own doctrine anymore (since it allows fractions, current therapy, etc.); but doesn't know how to change it without upsetting the whole applecart.

  • Narkissos

    Baba Yaga

    Of course, these are all Mosaic Laws!

    Well, JWs would retort that the blood prohibition is not Mosaic in the strictest sense because it first appears in the commands to Noah (Genesis 9) and hence potentially applies to all mankind. The notion of Noahide laws may lie in the background of the rules in Acts 15; it exists in rabbinical Judaism but the interpretation of the "blood" part is debated, the meaning usually retained being "not eating the flesh of a live animal", and, by extension, cruelty.

    However by such standards the WT could as well maintain that all male JWs of so-called "Semitic" descent should be circumcised, since the Abraham covenant is pre-Mosaic too...

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