Josie, I'm almost ashamed to say that is my favorite Marvin Gaye song!
The shocking realization, you are getting older based on favorite bands and song writers!
by restrangled 201 Replies latest jw friends
BEKSBKS - You have a PM sis ! Check it out ! Thanks. Peace out, Flipper dude.
Oh shit, check out this bass!!! I think I was still trying to be a good little witness girl.
I know this is 80's but when I fell in love with this song I was still going to the meetings :
Right now, I'm really loving Green Day's new cd. Mmmmmmm Billie Joe.........
Love Buckcherry too. I know the lead singer has a little UG on him, but he is soooooo HOT!
You know I've heard that "Sorry" song but Buckcherry but I'd never seen the video...the lead singer is gorgeous
I'm watching Youtube and running songs on Pandora on my iPod.
I like "Crazy B*itch" myself. It's the last thing from subtle.... (and not for young impressionable ears....)
Oh Jeff! Hehe I wonder what you are like after a couple of phat cocktails. Forget the impressionable young ears! Leave it to thier parents!!
I was reading a review of Gwen Stefani's recent concert here, and someone posted a comment that they had grown up listening to her... Now THAT made me feel old...