I was 12, my best friend told me she was planning on getting baptized at the district convention and so I decided that would be a good time for me to do it too. Since I knew I would some day anyway.
My elder/father (who was sexually abusing my younger sister) went through the questions in the "Lamp" book (I think that's what it was) no other elders were ever involved.
I knew I had to make a dedication in prayer, but when it got to that point, I remember lying in bed with my heart pounding, scared to death to make that commitment. If I'd had more sense, I would have known that was a big red flag right there, but I was only 12.
Got to the convention, best friend had changed her mind and not bothered to tell me. One of the two questions that were asked of the baptismal candidates at that time was, "Have you made request to God for a clean conscience?" I was panic-stricken, I didn't know I was supposed to make such a request! I said, "yes" anyway, just didn't know what to do at that point.
I'd had a near drowning accident the summer before, and for months I couldn't put my face in the shower water, let alone get into a swimming pool. But I did and felt fairly calm which I attributed to Jehovah's help. Got dunked, no fanfare afterward from my family (no surprise there) and life went on as usual.