> Is this really smoking gun of Obama's Kenyan birth?
No. It is a forgery... and a very poor forgery at that.
- First, the hospital is Coast Provincial General Hospital (sometimes said to be Coast Province General Hospital), not Coast General Hospital.
- Second, Kenya was a Dominion the date this certificate was allegedly issued and would not become a republic for 8 months.
- Third, Mombasa belonged to Zanzibar when Obama was born, not Kenya.
- Fourth, Obama's father's village would be nearer to Nairobi, not Mombasa.
- Fifth, the number 47O44-- 47 is Obama's age when he became president, followed by the letter O (not a zero) followed by 44--he is the 44th president.
- Sixth, EF Lavender is a laundry detergent.
- Seventh, would a nation with a large number of Muslims actually say "Christian name" (as opposed to name) on the birth certificate?
- Eigth, his father (born in 1961) would have been 24 or 25 when he was born and not 26.
- Ninth, it was called the "Central Nyanza District," not Nyanza Province. The regions were changed to provinces in 1970.
- The document is dated 5 August 1964 -- a Saturday. From what I can find, Kenyan guvmint offices close early on Friday and are closed on Saturdays. Oooops [...]
- This piece of paper certainly looks nice and new to be 45 years old -- unless the Kenyans were using acid-free paper back in 1964. Heh, heh.
- Finally, Officials of Coast Province General Hospital reported: “We do not have computerized records going back to the 1960’s and can only sort through our archives by hand,” Dr. Christopher Mwanga, an administrator at the Mombasa hospital tells GLOBE. “We have searched for all the names of babies born on Aug. 4, 1961, and have not found the name of Barack Hussein Obama. That is all I can tell you.”
Hell... you can make your own Kenyan Birth Certificate. Download the blank form here, print it, and then fill out the form with a typewriter (if you can find one), or open this image in an image editing application and fill it out with a typewriter font, then print.