Reuters has an article stating that since 1996 it was at 13 million and now it has skyrocketed.
Have you ever been on these meds? Almost everyone I know has at one time or another... so far, not me yet.
by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends
Reuters has an article stating that since 1996 it was at 13 million and now it has skyrocketed.
Have you ever been on these meds? Almost everyone I know has at one time or another... so far, not me yet.
Clean here.
I come here for my Anti-depressant fix.
Yes I have been and you know what 7 million others I know are on them too.
You know WHO???
OFC, how are you doing? You've always been a sweet person.
We don't adapt very well to the modern lifestyle, do we?
Doctors tend to over medicate. If we could get people off their butts, away from the TV, video games etc, there would be less crazies out there. The truely chemically imbalanced folks get trivialized when anti-depressants are invogue.
Go outside people.
I'm going.
The mall is calling. A nice stroll while I help stimulate the economy.
awe shucks Minimus, you just warm me all over with your kindness. Thank you.
luvs ya too
Yes, my husband and I were both on them to try to quit smoking. It didn't work. I didn't feel any different, but my husband said they made him feel foggy headed.