27 MILLION Americans On Anti-Depressants!

by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    I'm not on any meds now, but when I was leaving the bOrg I was put on Zoloft and Wellbutrin .

    The Wellbutrin left me with a permanent condition where, from time to time, my entire body will suddenly jerk for no reason. I suspect I'll be like that for the rest of my life.

    Thanks Wellbutrin !

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  • Satanus

    Depression rate is higher among jws, than among the general population.


  • choosing life
    choosing life

    You have to remember that anti-depressants are used for more than just depression. They use them for chronic pain, neuropathy, sleep disorders and smoking cessation, for a few examples.

    I do think they are over prescribed for situational depression and especially for kids. They should be a last resort, not given out like candy.

    They have helped many who truly need them.

  • skeeter1


    I agree with your observation that mental illness rates are higher among JWs. So many I knew "quietly" took their Prozac or other meds. Thankfully, they did get them.

    But, our layman observations are confirmed by various international mental health professionals and studies. http://www.seanet.com/~raines/mental.html

    Not only in the JWs, but in all cults...mental illnesss are ignited by the high control environment. http://www.skepticfiles.org/atheist/pentacst.htm (dealing with Pentacostal cults).

    This is why the International Cultic Studies works very hard with psychologists and psychiatrists and others to help get people out of cults and to support family members. ICS lists the Jehovah's Witness as a cult; and holds specific sessions just on the WTS and others. http://www.icsahome.com/


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