What does it look like?
New Song Book
by White Dove 26 Replies latest jw friends
It's a book that has words and music
More than likely only available in paperback...
White Dove
Name? Color?
I think its called "Slogging Along with Jehovah - A Musical Journey"
Did Prince help compose the music?
White Dove
If anyone has an intellegent answer, I'd deeply appreciate it. I've never seen it and need to know about it so I have something to tell the grandparents and parents if they ask. I'm pretending to still be in for the sake of my very old and very ill grandparents. I know some here have gone to the assembly and surely saw it or even have one to scan the cover.
Well, the new song book was not released at the convention. All they did was say that one will be available for congregations in September. So, if you're pretending to be in, then you would not have seen one yet. You just heard that one will be sent to the congregation soon.
The book is called "Sing To Jehovah" and has 135 songs total. I don't know what puke ugly color it is going to be--and I am willing to bet that it is paperback (like everything else they have done during the past 10 years), and they will be able to order those wastes of paper starting with the September littera-trash order. We should know for sure by then.