You know you hear the stories of an alchoholic that has reached his bottom, and then decides he/she needs to quit drinking? I think it is the same as the person who lives with one. They reach a point when it is no longer bearable and they want out. I do know of many situations that a partner is comfortable with the other person being an alchoholic, and actually stay in the relationship for years with no problems.
I was with a man for 3 years and married to him for less then 6 months, when I reached my bottom, and got out. I know if I never had my daughter, then I would probably still be in that relationship.
Alot of lonely nights when they are passed out. Alot of misunderstandings because you are dealing with a person who's mind is altered. Alot of "I am sorry." Alot of making up. Alot of times you miss out on other things because beer is bought first. Alot of nights taking care of your partner instead of being partners.
I can honestly say towards the end of our relationship, I was going to Al-Anon. And he was in AA, we also were in counseling. He made alot of efforts to quit drinking and smoking pot, and we came to a point in therapy that the therapist wanted his mom to come in and discuss some issues with us. I feel this was the downfall. She denied he was an alcoholic, and said he had no problems, and wished that we would just leave him alone. Of course he took this and ran with it, becasue he wanted to hear it. And he went back to drinking and smoking again, and his abusive behavior. We were so close, but he was not and is not ready, he is drinking to this day.
I agree with Farkel, and it is something that Al-Anon taught me. I had only 2 choices, live with it, enabling him, or get out and save my sanity. I chose my sanity, and safety. It was not the easy way, trust me, we had already split up and got together again numerous times. But when I decided enough was enough it was final.
I think the biggest thing to help a person who is living with an alchoholic is to, make a list of things that are missing in their lives, or things that are altered due to living with this disease. Honestly going over every aspect of your life is hard to do, but worth it to see it on paper.
I will be interested to read your paper when you are finished with it. I may have some more to add, but will email you later with it.
When I leave, you will know I have been here